

How do you describe drowning in swimming class?

Updated: 12/7/2022
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โˆ™ 8y ago

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Here is one way to describe it:

I have always loved the water, either if it's drinking or splashing water at my friends. But the truth is, it took me forever, and I mean FOREVER to learn how to swim. I am just not the "swimmer type." It all began in 1st-grade swimming class, the day I almost died.

It was a casual first grade Monday morning at swimming class, and everyone was lined up ready to swim. As I got into the pool, I was scared. My heart seemed to be beating uncontrollably fast. But I took a deep breath, swallowed all the anxiety, hoped for the best, and just started swimming. I regretted the attempt instantly. Each stroke I made just drained my energy even more, and I knew that soon I wouldn't be able to continue. And then, to make things even worse, from behind me came someone swimming incredibly fast. He was like a shark! And quickly, my exhaustion and his blind energy collided with a BOOM!

The two of us had smashed together. Since I was too tired, I couldn't regain my balance, and I just floated there in the water, unable to recover, or to breathe. I didn't struggle, didn't make any sounds, just kept quietly floating in the water. To me, every second feeling like that was unforgettable. It seemed like forever--like hours. I remember thinking "ahh, I'm dying" and those sort of things, but none of them could get through to my body to try to save myself. Then, I just blacked out. I don't remember what happened immediately after that, although I do know that at some point a lifeguard pulled me out of the water and saved my life.

To this day, I still do not know who he is, but I have so much gratitude for that lifeguard stranger who saved my life when I couldn't save myself. He gave me the chance to realize how valuable life is. I know I will remember the lesson from that day always. Life is precious, and can be so easily lost.

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โˆ™ 8y ago
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โˆ™ 8y ago

The way to describe anything is to use your senses. What does it feel like to be drowning? What do you see as you slip underneath the water and can't get back to the surface? What do you taste as the water enters your mouth and nose? What do you smell as you flounder on the surface, trying to stay afloat? What does the water feel like against your skin and inside your mouth and nose?

When using first person, all you have to do is pretend you're talking to a friend and write just what you'd say to them. Use "I" and "me" and show everything happening to you.

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