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The Maya put a zero day before every year. There are two calendars (not three, do we call our weeks a calendar, no, so why would you call a tzolkin as a calendar). There is a 360-day calendar. It starts 20 or 21 days after the original calendar of Noah, and before the Flood. It is 21 days after day zero, but it is 20 days after the original Noah's new year. New Year day zero is the 20th day of Noah's 1st month in 360-day calendar; the day is always named Ahau (Ahaw) which means Lord. But the 1st day of the new year is the next day imix which will always be the 21st of Noah's 360-day calendar. This is what proves that day Ahau is not 3114bc G.Aug 11 but G.Aug 12, and so day Ahau is not 2012 G.Dec 21 but rather G.Dec 22. Others will presume they KNOW that you are arguing whether the end and beginning is day Ahau (2012 Dec 22) or day imix (2012 Dec 23), but that's not the issue, the issue is which day did start in 3114bc as 4Ahau, was it G.Aug 10 ot G.Aug 11 or G.Aug 12 or G.Aug 13?

As for the other calendar it is 365-day like Persian like Egyptian like Zoroastrian like Armenian. Its day Pop 1 is 16 days before Egyptian new year Thoth 1, which makes Pop 0 as 17 days before it. I am the one that found out that in 2021bc this Pop 0 and Pop 1 is the Greek Dec 24 and 25 Christmas of Noah's death claiming he went to heaven, the first to go to heaven because he was 950 and worthy by age alone. (Peleg died 10 years before and thus creates the idea the dead had to wait to go to heaven until the Christ died first, until Noah the Savior died.

Lastly, what is called the day calendar is 13-day cycle, such as 13 leap days in 52 years added to 365-day calendar which is 260 days longer than 52 years of 360 days. These 13 leap days fit into the 260 days, because 52 Julian are 273 days (260+13) more than 52 of 360 days. Thus the 260 days becomes the new Mayan 20-day (?)week? (?)month? and thats what started 18x 20 days = 360 days, plus 5 days is 365-days for both calendars. I place this in Copan in 1313bc because i beleive the Izapa zeniths are 1275bc n ot 1359bc. The 1275bc is 600x 360 days (believed as 50x 12 year Jupiter which is correctly 601 years not 600) and this 600 years are 592-year Venus believing the 8-year Venus is 1867-1275bc instead of 600-year Venus. Noah's Shem died at age 600 in 1868bc when his (Jan 2) 502-year Venus Shem-Ramis is the same Greg.Dec 17 as the Floodyear (Jan 6). Semiramis matches 251-year cycles with Noah's death and Shem's death and Nimrod's death.

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The Maya calendar system is based on two separate calendars: the Tzolk'in, which is a 260-day calendar used for divination and rituals, and the Haab', a 365-day calendar used for agricultural purposes. These two calendars mesh together every 52 years to create the Calendar Round. The Maya also had a Long Count calendar for tracking longer periods of time.

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What is today's date according to the Maya calendar?

The Maya calendar system is complex and consists of multiple cycles. To convert today's date to the Maya calendar, one would need specific information such as the Long Count date and the current Bak'tun, k'atun, tun, winal, and k'in cycles. Without this information, it is not possible to determine today's date in the Maya calendar.

What important breakthrough did the Maya make in the field of mathematics and astronomy?

A two calendar system

Of what did the Maya calendar mark the movement?

The Maya calendar marked the movement of celestial bodies, particularly the sun, moon, and Venus, to track time and important events such as religious ceremonies, planting seasons, and harvest timings. The calendar system was highly sophisticated and integrated into various aspects of Maya society and culture.

What advances did Maya achieve in record keeping?

The Maya developed a mathematical system based on the number 20 and they were the first people to use zero. By using their math system, the Maya made great advances in Astronomy. The Maya also produced a very accurate calendar system.

How do you use a Maya calendar?

To use a Maya calendar, familiarize yourself with the Long Count, Tzolk'in, and Haab calendars. The Long Count is a linear count of days. The Tzolk'in is a 260-day cycle, and the Haab is a 365-day solar calendar. You can combine these calendars to track dates and events in the Maya system.

What advances did the Maya achieve in record keeping?

The Maya developed a mathematical system based on the number 20 and they were the first people to use zero. By using their math system, the Maya made great advances in astronomy. The Maya also produced a very accurate calendar system.

What Led to The Maya calendar?

The Maya calendar was developed by the ancient Maya civilization in Mesoamerica. It was likely influenced by earlier Mesoamerican cultures and their understanding of astronomy. The Maya's advanced knowledge of mathematics and astronomy allowed them to create a complex calendar system that accurately tracked time and celestial events.

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What is the relationship between Maya calendar and 2012?

The calendar developed and used by the ancient Maya has an end date. On the Gregorian calendar, it's December 21, 2012.

What was remarkable about the Maya’s development of their calendar?

During the course of the month, the accuracy of the calendar has helped the Maya with planting and harvesting. These sacred harvesting cycles represent the purpose of the ceremony. This purpose relates to the creation and destruction of the world, and having a stable relationship with the gods.

What calendar do we currently use?

The Maya

How important do you think the development of advanced mathematics was in the creation of the Maya calendar?

The development of advanced mathematics was crucial in creating the precise calculations needed for the Maya calendar. Their understanding of concepts like astronomy, geometry, and numerical systems allowed them to accurately track time, celestial events, and agricultural cycles. Mathematics formed the foundation for the intricate design and functionality of the Maya calendar system.