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A beggar is someone who asks for money or other items from others as a means of financial support. They may be experiencing poverty or homelessness and rely on the generosity of strangers to meet their basic needs.

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when describe the appearance of the beggar in a paragraph?

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What is common noun for beggar?

The common noun rogue is often used to describe someone that is thought of as a beggar. In many states, panhandlers or beggars must obtain a license in order to be allowed to ask for donations on the streets.

What is a sturdy beggar?

A sturdy beggar is a term used to describe someone who appears to be healthy and able-bodied, yet chooses to beg for money or assistance. It can be seen as deceptive or manipulative behavior, taking advantage of others' kindness or generosity.

What is the passive voice of who is laughing at the beggar?

The beggar is being laughed at.

A woman gives a beggar fifty cents - the woman is the beggar's sister but the beggar is not the woman's brother - how come?

The beggar is a woman, because if the beggar is not the woman's brother, but the beggar has the woman for a sister, then the beggar is a woman, the only characteristic not mentioned in the question. beggars can be women

What is a beggar's can't?

a BEGGAR'S CANT is a beggar that can't do anything for work or for living

What is a beggar?

A beggar is a person who begs.

When was The Beggar created?

The Beggar was created in 1965.

Abstract noun for unemployed?

The abstract noun forms of the concrete noun 'beggar' are beggarhood and beggardom.

A woman gives a beggar 59 cents. the woman is the beggar's sister but the beggar is not the woman's brother How come?

She is female

A blind beggar had a brother who died What relation was the blind beggar to the brother who died?

it's not complete. it's supposed to be : " "A blind beggar had a brother who died. But the dead man's brother is not the blind beggar. What relation was the beggar to the brother who died?" The answer is 'bother and sister' ! :)

What is the passive voice of you give the beggar?

The beggar is given (something) by you.