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Q: How do you describe the motion of primary waves?
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Wave that moves rock particles in a backward rolling motion and a side to side swaying motion?

Surface Waves

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waves in which the motion of the individual particles of the medium is in a direction that is parallel to the direction of energy transport.

What move by giving particles a circular motion and are generated by energy that travels outward from epicenter?

primary waves

What name is given to a wave where the motion of the particles is in the same direction as the wave motion?

This is known as a Longitudinal wave or Compression / Pressure wave. In seismology (the scientific study of vibration within the earth), compression waves are known as Primary waves or P-waves.

Which earthquake wave travels fastest?

P -waves travel faster because the movement of them, it is a back and forth motion while S- waves are a side to side expending more energy.

How do seismic waves affect us?

Seismic waves affect us because they are what causes the motion from an earthquake that destroy buildings and such. The three types of seismic waves are surface waves primary waves also called P-waves and secondary waves also called S-waves.

What do primary waves do to rocks?

The first waves to hit are primary waves. Primary waves are seismic waves that compress and stretch the ground. P waves, or primary waves, can wreck buildings and can move straightforward through solids and liquids.

Which seismic waves travel the fastest?

Primary (P) waves are the fastest. Followed by secondary (S) waves, then surface waves. P waves

Describe how a primary wave moves?

P waves are primary seismic waves. They are the fastest seismic waves and they are compressional or longitudinal waves, which means the back and forth movement of the particles is in the same direction as the wave is travelling. There is an illustration and explanation in the reference below. P waves can propagate through any medium. (solid. liquid or gas

Are the primary waves faster then the secondary waves?

Primary seismic waves travel the fastest.

Describe the motion of the inner tube as the waves passed by?

The inner tube will rise onto the wave and then drop down as the wave passes.