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It depends on the experiment.

In medical experiments to test the efficacy of drugs double blind tests are carried out to reduce the bias. This means the people carrying out the experiment and the people taking part have no idea who is being given the drug and who is getting the placebo.

In psychology experiments this is more difficult.

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11y ago

If the scientist does a blind study, were he or she does not know which item they are testing. Personal bias will not affect the investigation. For example if the scientist has three cereals and one cereal is more expensive then the other, then maybe the scientist will pick the more expensive cereal. If he or she doesn't know which cereal is more expensive then the scientist can finish the investigation with correct information.

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You should be careful of numerical measurement in the experiment

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you only change one variable, and keep everything else the same

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by using just one independent variable

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Q: How do you do a fair test in science?
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What is the meaning of fair test in science?

a fair test is were you only change one thing

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A fair test is important so you can get accurate and unbiased results.

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Would testing green bags be a consumer science science fair project?

yes, if u test it with regular bags, and green bags. i did this once at a science fair

When do you use a fair test in a science experiment?

We use fare test to prevent amuck up

What is the experiment in a science fair project?

The experiment is what you test and how you test it. Your entire project is based on the experiment.

What science project can you do for a science fair?

A good idea for a science fair project is to do a project where you test which plant food will be the most effective. also, you can do which orange has more vitamin c. and who is the fastest kid in your grade or best speller.

How would you do a science fair project on bacteria?

get bacteria strips at the store and test it with different things

Why is it important to have a fair test in chemistry?

Having a fair test in chemistry is important because it ensure the reliability and validity of the experimental results. By controlling variables and eliminating biases, researchers can accurately determine the effects of the independent variable on the dependent variable. This helps in establishing cause-and-effect relationships and drawing credible conclusions from the experiment.

What are some cool plant related science fair projects?

test plants with different light sources

What happens when you mix pop rocks in a bottle of pop will it explode or will it do anything. We need to know for a science fair project will you....but the question is what will happen?

Test it!If this is a science fair project, you're actually supposed to do the project, not dry lab it.