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By using a staight edge and a protractor it will have 4 equal sides of 5 cm and 2 opposite angles of 50 degrees and 2 opposite angles of 130 degrees

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Q: How do you draw a rhombus with sides of 5cm and two of its angles equal to 50 degrees?
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4 sides equal angles not 90 degrees?

If all 4 sides are equal and the angles are not 90 degrees it is a rhombus.

Is a rhombus a a parallelogram with all equal angles?

A RHOMBUS has four equal sides. However, it opposite angles are equal ,but its adjacent angles are NOT equal , but sum to 180 degrees.

What is a parrallelogram with equal sides?

A parallelogram with equal length sides is a RHOMBUS. A parallelogram with equal sides and the four angles are at 90 degrees is a SQUARE.

What is a quadrilateral with all sides equal and four angles?

A square or a rhombus each have 4 equal sides but a square has 4 equal angles of 90 degrees whereas a rhombus has 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles.

What is a rhombus with no sides?

If you mean number of sides then a rhombus is a 4 sided quadrilateral with equal sides with 2 equal opposite acute angles and 2 equal obtuse angles whereas its 4 interior angles add up to 360 degrees.

Why is a square always classified as an equiangular rhombus?

A rhombus has four sides of equal length; all angles add to 360 degrees. The special case of a rhombus is a square when not only all sides are equal abut also all angles are equal. Each angle is a right angle, 360/4 = 90 degrees. No other rhombus has equal angles

Is a rhombus can be a square?

No. A square has to have 4 equal sides with interior angles of exactally 90 degrees. A rhombus has to have 4 equal sides only. (any angles (although to be the same length the angles come in pairs).)

What plane has opposite sides equal and parallel and no angles equal to 90 degrees?

A rhombus or a parallelogram

How many angles can a rhombus have?

A rhombus has four equal sides, but it is not necessarily a square. Think of it as a square that can be stretched. Thus, it will have four angles and opposite angles will be the equal. A special case of a rhombus is a square and then, all four angles will be equal 90 degrees.

Why do rhombus have equal opposite sides?

A rhombus has 4 equal sides and opposite parallel sides whose opposite interior angles are equal but none of them are 90 degrees otherwise it would be a square.

What shape has 4 equal sides no right angles?

A rhombus has 4 equal sides. Its angles can be right angles, but don't have to be. A square is a type of rhombus.

Do a rhombus have all equal sides?

Yes it has 4 equal sides and it has 2 equal acute angles and 2 equal obtuse angles that add up to 360 degrees