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you mush it and make apple sauce. or put it in your mouth and use a plunger to get it down your esophagus =P.

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Q: How do you eat an apple with no teeth?
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Can an apple rot your teeth?

No, depending if you have a DIET while you eat the apple.

How do you eat an apple with out using your teeth or hands?

you dont.

What if you lost all your teeth what would you eat?

Apple sauce

When to eat apple day or night?

i choose day because apples clean your teeth and you don't show your teeth at night.

How do you eat a candy apple without getting it stuck in your teeth?

Try cutting it up into seperate slices.

What should you do to look after your teeth?

brush 3 times a day. after every meal. Eat an apple everyday. Wash your mouth with mouthwash. This will help your teeth a lot

What is the advantage of an apple?

the advantage of an apple is that it keeps your teeth healthy that is how horses keep their teeth healthy

What should toddlers eat after having there teeth pulled my daughter is having her 4 front teeth pulled what should i get for her to eat for the few days after?

apple sauce jared baby food mashed apples mashed banana

Does candy take out teeth?

One of the English Queens said she was going to eat sweets until her teeth fell out...and they did! When I was ten years old, I ate a candied apple and lost TWO teeth at one time!

What are three different ways you could clean your teeth without a toothbrush?


Which type of teeth cuts the carrot into a bite sized piece?

The teeth used to cut carrots into bited sized pieces are called the incisors.The teeth at the back of your mouth that crush and grind the carrot piece are called the molars and the premolars.When people tear off a bone, they use their pointed teeth called their canine teeth.The teeth people should use to eat an apple are the molars and premolars and incisors.Summarize:Write about all the teeth people use to eat an apple.Because in order to grind the apple bite sized pieces made by your incisors, you use you premolars and your molars.

Is it funner with teeth or no teeth?

teeth your you cant eat is fun to eat lol