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Subtract it from 180

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Q: How do you find a Exterior angle is you have an interior angle?
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Can you find the exterior angle before the interior angle?

No, you cannot find the exterior angle before the interior because the interior angles can vary in many ways.

What is the Formula to find out exterior angle of a hexagon?

180 - interior angle = exterior angle

how do i find the exterior angle of a triangle if the interior angle is 174?

To find the exterior angle of a triangle given an interior angle, you can use the fact that the interior and exterior angles at any vertex of a triangle are supplementary. This means they add up to (180^\circ). Given the interior angle is (174^\circ), the exterior angle can be found as follows: [ {Exterior angle} = 180^\circ - {Interior angle} ] Substituting the given interior angle: [ {Exterior angle} = 180^\circ - 174^\circ = 6^\circ ] So, the exterior angle is (6^\circ).

What is an exterior angle of a triangle and how does the measure of an exterior angle relate to the interior angles?

Exterior angle+interior angle=180 degrees and 180-exterior angle=interior angle

How do you find a exterior angle?

180-interior angle = exterior angle If it's a regular polygon then: 360/number of sides = exterior angle

How do you find the exterior angle from a interior angle?

The interior angle and the exterior angle are supplementary. That's why you learned about supplementary angles ... or at least they were presented in class ... before polygons.

Find the measures of an interior angle and an exterior angle of a regular polygon with 9 sides?

Each interior angle: 140 degrees Each exterior angle: 40 degrees

What is the exterior and interior angle of a heptagon?

the interior angle is about 128.571428 the exterior angle is about 51.4285

What is the measure of the interior angle if its exterior angle is 140 degrees?

40 degress because a straight line is 180 degrees and an interior angle with its exterioir angle is a line spilt in half so to find the interior/exterior angle, taek 180 and subtract the interior/ exterior angle and then you will get the the other angle, sorry this is kinda conufsing!

How do you find the interior angle of a regular poloygon?

360 /each exterior angle

What is an exterior angle of a triangle?

It is: 180-interior angle = exterior angle

What is a Exterior angle of a triangle?

It is: 180-interior angle = exterior angle