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The WEP key can usually be found under the wireless page of your router's admin panel. If you do not have access to your router's admin panel then you can obtain the key from someone who does.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

I don't know where the WEP key is for my router, I have the SSID key, IP key, but i don't know where to find my WEP key. I'm trying to hook it up to my family's Wii, but it requires the password. It is not the default "admin." Where could i find it, like in my computer?

It isn't in your computer; it is stored in the router. Check the user's manual to see what the default might be. If the password has changed you can use the reset button to set it back to the default (but be careful; know what you are doing). Resetting a router means you will lose all of the current settings.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It's the same code as you use to let your PC/laptop access your wireless router. Some already have a default one printed on the router itself, others you'll have set manually, but that's what the DS needs.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Type into the address bar and the setting should come up

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Q: How do you find out your WEP key when you don't know the login for your router?
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You have to find a wireless router, if you dont have one you can search for one on the DS wifi menu or wifi menu on a game, and if you do have one you can search for it here too. If you dont find one, to bad. You can by a cabale at a store to do it manually or use free wifi at a local spot. When you find a link it will show an open or closed lock. You should easilly be able to get into an unlocked router, but a locked router will be able to gain acsess to when you have the wep key. This can be obtained at the computer putting off the router if you dont know it. Every ds has wifi capabilities without buying anything, have fun.

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