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Measure the volume of the object which is same as the volume of the displaced liquid in which that sinks. And measure the mass of the same object from a weighing machine. then use density = mass/volume

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Q: How do you find the density of an irregular shaped object that sinks?
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What is the density on fluid of an object sinking?

If an object sinks in a fluid then it has a density greater than the fluid. This assumes the object is solid and not shaped like a boat.

What is the density of object compared to the density fluid when it sinks?

The density of an object that sinks is greater than the density of the liquid in which it sinks.

What determains if an object floats or sinks?

The Density.

An object that sinks into a fluid is?

As an object sinks in a fluid the buoyant force on it would remain the same.

When you compare the density of water or air with another object how can you tell which has the lower or higher density?

-- If the object floats in water, then its density is less than the density of water. -- If the object sinks in water, then its density is more than the density of water. -- If the object floats in air, then its density is less than the density of air. -- If the object sinks in air, then its density is less than the density of air.

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What happens if an object of higher density is placed in water?

Higher than what ?? If the object's density is higher than the density of water, then the object sinks in the water.

Which object weighs more a can that floats or a can that sinks?

It is impossible to tell; whether an object floats or sinks depends on its density, not on its weight.

How does the density of an object tell you if it will sink or float?

If the object's density is greater than the density of the fluid you put it in, then it sinks. If less, then it floats in that fluid.

How do you know an object has a density greater than water?

If an object placed in water sinks - then it has a density greater than water.

What causes something to sink or float?

What causes it to sink or float is the density. The density of water is 1.0. If the object's density is more 1.0 then it sinks, but if the object's density is less then 1.0 then the object will float.

If an object sinks in water what is its dencity?

More than the density of water.