

How do you find the value of the word algebra?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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scientific notation is a shorter way to write large number. If you have 30,000in scientific notation it's 3*10^4

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Q: How do you find the value of the word algebra?
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In algebra, x is the unknown for which you need the value.

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You solve an equation containing y.

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in algebra, a 'value' is what a certain letter stands for. for instance... if z = 6 and the below is a balanced scale... .............................................. z x z Find the value of x = 12 because 2 sixes, (2 zs) equals 12!!!

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To solve certain problems that can't be solved with simple algebra. To give just one simple example, find the maximum value of a certain function.To solve certain problems that can't be solved with simple algebra. To give just one simple example, find the maximum value of a certain function.To solve certain problems that can't be solved with simple algebra. To give just one simple example, find the maximum value of a certain function.To solve certain problems that can't be solved with simple algebra. To give just one simple example, find the maximum value of a certain function.

Were does algebra come from?

where does the word 'algebra' come from?

What is the origin of the word algebra?

Algebra originated from the Arabic word 'Al Jabr'

What are the greek word of algebra?

The English word(algebra) is exactly the same in greek(άλγεβρα).In greeklish it's the same (algebra).

What are the uses of algebra?

There are many uses of algebra. Algebra is used mosty to find the value of the variable in a mathematic situation. Example- 3x=66 (divide by 3x on both sides)= 66/ by 3 is 22 solution- x=22 ----

What is the significance of the word linear in linear algebra?

if you choose an x value and calculate the y value multiple times and then plot all points, you will get a straight line