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This is actually quite a problem, with about 9% of 11-14 year olds experiencing recurrent nosebleeds for no apparent reason. Most will grow out of this before puberty.

In the mean time, it can be quite distressing both for the child and those looking after them. Drugs such as tranexamic acid are used to control heavy bleeding, especially with menstrual problems, but are not ideal for children. Another option is to regularly apply antiseptic cream. Particular creams for this purpose are available (Naseptin), or steroid sprays like Betnesol-N. Sadly, these treatments are rather unpredictable in their success.

The other option is, as you mentioned, cauterisation. This is often done with silver nitrate, but sometimes with a heat probe, and basically involves burning off the ends of the blood vessles to prevent them bleeding. Its quite successful but unfortunately can be really rather unpleasant.

The best thing is to see your family doctor and explain that this is still a problem. Obviously in severe bleeding, which does not stop, do not hesitate to get medical help.

I had severe nose bleeds when I was a child and they contiued up until a year ago. My 19 year old daughter was having them too!

I finally have them under control. Instead of a pediatrian, go visit an allergist. Have an allergy test kit done and see what is the real cause, instead of giving her any meds or trying the things that are not working. An allergist will TELL YOU WHY, and then you can have those under control in NO time.


I am 19 and have been experiencing persistent nosebleeds on and off for around 5 years. Usually it starts after I have had a cold and have been blowing my nose a lot and then I will have nosebleeds every day for the next few weeks! Although I have quite bad hayfever as well and sometimes just sneezing will bring it on.

I've had the cauterisation done 3 times on the same nostril... it seems to work for around 3 months but then the nosebleeds start again. The cauterisation is just sealing off the problem blood vessel, not getting rid of it completely. So the same vessel keeps becoming inflamed again and again! I am now considering surgery to get the bugger taken care of once and for all :)

Also look at any medications the child is on, though the doctor should have made note and avised you on this.

I had nosebleeds throughout my childhood. Turns out they were caused by the aspirin that was in Alka Seltzer I was taking because of chronic stomach problems.

Aspirin or any other blood-thinning medications can cause this. Also, make sure the child is not picking her nose behind your back. That can damage the lining of the nose, causing them to be more susceptible to bleeding.

hi it's the same with my girls.They have nose bleeds when the season changes and to stop the blood nose when it happens, is to put there or your head forwards and put an ice pack on the back of your neck as well as one on your forehead. Try NOT to put your head back because the blood goes in your throte and you will vomit.

See your doctor. As a child I was treated with Vitamin K pills and injections, and eventually a cauterization when I had my tonsils out. Maybe this was overkill and kids just outgrow them, I don't know. My mom used to put her silver butter knives in the freezer and put one alongside my nose and ice on the back of my neck while I laid flat.

My sister had really bad nose bleeds and so does my husband, my sister went to the doctor and he told her use a little bit of vaseline, it is because her skin inside her nose was so dry it cracked causing it to bleed, the vaseline helped keep her nose moisturized and it pretty much stopped the nose bleeds, helps my husband to...

I have heard that adding green vegetables to your diet will curtail the nose bleeds.

ANSWER: If your child has chronic nosebleeds you should have blood work done. They should check for bleeding disorders such as Von Willibrands Disease, if basic bloodwork


I'm an R.N. with two kids that had chronic nosebleeds as kids. My daughters went away by around age 5, but my son continued to have them (less frequently now at 15 years old). Being a nurse, and knowing their dad had nosebleeds as a kid too, I would not have been surprised to find they had the Von Willibrand Factor. Neither did, but I surprisingly found out that my son had the Lupus Anticoagulant. (NOT lupus, sadly the name is somewhat of a misnomer, since people who do NOT have Lupus have this). It's a CLOTTING factor, but ironically in my son, causes nosebleeds.

So again, I would STRONGLY suggest anyone with chronic nosebleeds have bloodwork done, to rule out bleeding disorders, and or other medical causes.


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7y ago

Recommendations for stopping nose bleeds have changed:

  • gently pinch your nose just where it starts to get soft
  • tilt your head slightly forward. Tilting backward could allow blood to drip into your stomach or down your airways - neither of which is good
  • you can use ice packs on the nose
  • breathe through your mouth and check to see if bleeding has stopped in 10 minutes
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8y ago

1. Reassure or calm child if necessary.

2. Pinch the soft part of the child's nose (its a good idea to let blood flow into sink or basin).

3. Ask child to keep head in a forward direction (never hold the head back).

4. Ask child to breathe deeply through mouth.

5. Let blood continue (NB. if bleeding for more than 10mins, CALL FOR AMBULANCE!).

6. When bleeding stops, clean face/nose of child and ask him/her to wash hands (or assist in washing his/her hands).

7. Clean up all blood (eg. from bathroom floor and sink).

8. Wash your own hands and also ensure that any person with his/her blood also washes his/her hands.

Thats it, your done! I hoped this helped or it will help if you come across a serious nosebleed in a child

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12y ago

pinch it lightly. DO NOT TIP HEAD BACK!

if you tip your head back you could choke on your own blood.(i know that sounds gross)

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13y ago

put a tissue over it and squeeze out the blood.

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