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U can get pp max from the trick masters house
but u have to go there many times to get that

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Jay Yocum

Lvl 2
8mo ago

You can find a PP Max in the Team Magma Hideout.

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Q: How do you get a pp max in Pokemon Emerald?
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What is the code for pp max in Pokemon emerald?

0590iv09 8r4u56eh 4h7f4h48 218ye8h0

Where can you find a PP max in Pokemon Diamond?

Right, You cannot get an pp max in Pokemon diamond or Pokemon pearl nor platinum!

Where can you buy pp max in emerald?

lilycove shopping department

In Pokemon Blue what item restores pp?

Elixer and Max Elixer both refill pp, normal elixer recovers 5pp while max recovers the max pp. The item pp-up will increase any moves pp by 20% of its max pp.

Where can you find pp up in Pokemon Emerald?

You can win pp up from the lottery at lilycove city.

Can you buy pp up in Pokemon emerald and platiunm?


Where can you find PP Max in Pokemon LeafGreen?

i think that it is in the Pokemon mansion

Where are pp max in Pokemon platinum?

Pp max are items you use to restore your pp if it's low or not sure if you can buy them but I'm positive it will restore your pokemons pp fully

What is the max pp for blizzard in the Pokemon games?

Blizzard normally has 5 PP, which can go up to a maximum of 8 PP using PP Ups.

What does an elixir do in Pokemon?

Elixir restores the PP of a Pokemon's move. There are two types of Elixir: Elixir, and Max Elixir, which restores the PP of all of a Pokemon's moves.

If you have a Blaziken with 0 pp of overheat and im at Rayquaza should you go to a Pokemon center to get your pp of overheat back in Pokemon emerald?

if you have a master ball no if not yes

What is a pp max in Pokemon Diamond?

it fully restores the pp of either all or one of your pokemons moves i forget