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I manage it... a lot! Just work as quickly as you can without compromising the quality of your work.

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13y ago
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12y ago

think in the answers in another time and try to hurry up and do not let nothing distract you

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10y ago

Click the Related Question to see how to finish your homework quickly.

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10y ago

You're not going to be able to do that much. Click on the Related Questions to find out how to do them quickly, though!

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Q: How do you get all your homework done in two hours?
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Is an extra 2 hours homework too much for an 11 year old child?

It depends. Two hours total homework isn't too much - you can get that done before dinner and have the whole evening free. Two hours on top of what you're already doing seems a bit much and you should have a talk with your teachers about how much work you have every night.

Why is homework called homework?

Homework is a compound word made up of the two words home and work. Homework is called this simply because it is supposed to be done at home.

Is Miss Smith kept both of them after school they hadn't done their homework o good sentence?

Miss Smith kept both of them after school they hadn't done their homework is two sentences with no connector. Try this;Miss Smith kept both of them after school because they hadn't done their homework.

Lauren spent 24 hours on the computer last week she spent 2 thrids of the time doing homework how much time did lauren spend doing homework?

If Lauren spend 2/3 of her 24-hour computer time doing homework, this means she spent 16 hours doing homework. Each third of the 24 hours is 8 hours, so two thirds would be 16 hours.

Christy starts doing her homework at home After every fifteen minutes of studying she gets up and takes a five-minute stretch break if she has 2 hours of homework to do how long will it take her?

If she has two hours of HOMEWORK, i dunno. but if Christy had two hours of STUDYING, I'd do the math....haha! am i right? (: im a different person but I DID the math it's 2hrs and 40min.

How do you get science class done within two weeks with a good grade?

Do your work like a normal student. Do your homework every night and study for all tests! :)

Write a shell script to create two directories and store five files in one directory using the related commands and to transfer all the Files to another directory?

#!/bin/sh mkdir homework lazyass for i in $(seq 5); do touch homework/file-$i; done mv homework/* lazyass

What to do if not done with homework and its late?

You have two choices: stay up and finish or hand in what you've done so far and explain why you didn't finish it.

How long does it take to get from Cavan to Offaly?

It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.It depends on where in Cavan you start from and where in Offaly you are going, but it could be done in less than two hours by road.

Can you get 30 pages of homework done in 2 weeks?

2.5 × 12 = 30 If two and a half pages are completed each day, in twelve days all thirty pages will be completed. This means that there are still two days spare (7 x 2 = 14 days). So, yes, it is perfectly possible to complete your homework in two weeks!

What does it mean when something is colocated?

Collocated typically refers to language, when two words are used together in such a way that they have heavy association with each other. For example, "do homework" is collocated, as homework is something that is usually done.

Is homework two words?

yes but no homework is two words but put together with not space (you spell it homework not home work)