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Q: How do you get in contact with your longloss cousin?
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The best to find an old cousin is to ask the elderly in the family even if you have to phone them long distance. There is someone in the family that knows how you can get in contact with them. Good luck!

How do you ask your cousin to have any sexual contact?

What?! You don't, because that's really weird. Ask a psychiatrist.

Does zendaya have a cousin named Isabella?

Yes, her name is Isabella Coleman, she lives in Oakland, California. But is a distant cousin, they don't have too much contact, but they have. I know it 'cuz I'm Isabella's friend.

How do we call our maternal uncle's son?

You could probably contact him on the phone, or via skype if you are tech savvy. If you mean the name of the relation between yourself and your maternal uncle's son, that would be a cousin (first cousin to be exact).

Is it right to marry cousin brother?

In the United States, our kinship system does not have a separate word to refer to the spouse of a cousin, so on that basis you can argue that someone who marries your cousin is not "related" to you. However, in a sense you *are* related to that person, especially if you have regular or close contact with your cousin and his or her spouse, so you can choose to refer to the spouse as a cousin if you want to create a greater or inclusive sense of family.

What is your second cousin's cousin's cousin in relationship to you?

Asking about your second cousin's cousin's cousin is asking about a complex but poorly defined relationship. Are the cousins of the second cousin his first cousin, second cousin, fifth cousin twice removed, or something else. It is likely that a cousin's cousin's cousin is not related to you at all. It is also possible that your second cousin's first cousin's first cousin is also your second cousin.