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ADHD or attention-deficit hyperactivity-disorder (sometimes referred to as ADD) is a neurobehavioral developmental disorder. ADHD is not contagious; individuals with ADHD have had it since birth. Pre-mature birth, hereditary factors (parents who have ADHD), and exposure to toxic chemicals can contribute to the likelihood of acquiring ADHD. ADHD can also be influenced by environmental factors, including amount of time spent watching television, and possibly Video Games. Scientific studies prove conclusively that screen time is associated with attention problems.

ISU study finds TV viewing, video game play contribute to kids' attention problems -

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7y ago

You don't, but you can control it. First, don't use it as an excuse for not getting school work done or paying attention. Two you need to learn to focus consciously and meditation can train you to focus. Counseling can sometimes help you learn how to deal with your "overload " of information. ADHD is usually a "system error " and your brain chemically off balance. This is not your fault, but if you don't want to use drugs to help you coffee can help. A cup of coffee before school can help you focus. This is something you will have to decide you want to do in a proactive way and to take control of IT and not let it control you.

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12y ago

u cant get rid of adhd u just have to cope with it your self or by tables

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14y ago

It is the way your brain works from birth. Not a disease, or something that can be caused other than the own chemicals in your brain.

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People can get rid of ADHD right?

No. But there are drugs (Ritalin for example) that can treat the symptoms. Ayraayra: There is no "cure" but there are a lot of cases were as the person gets older the signs and symptoms of adhd tend to go away.

How do you over come ADHD?

I would suggest that ADD can be treated and you can get rid of the symptoms of it. Some people use medication to treat the symptoms whilst others attempt to alleviate them using alternative methods such as diet, concentration exercises, biofeedback and so on. In my experience with ADD and ADHD (My son and I have ADHD whilst my girlfriend has ADD) medication proved to work, but it changed all our characters.

Can gerbils get ADHD?

Gerbils do not experience attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the same way that humans or some other animals do. Gerbils may exhibit behaviors that appear hyperactive, but this is usually within normal range for their species. If you are concerned about your gerbil's behavior, it's best to consult with a veterinarian who specializes in exotic pets.

Were do people get adhd from?

ADHD is genetic. If you think they learned it somewhere, then that is a behavior disorder and not ADHD.

Are you a demigod if you have ADHD?

No, if you have ADHD it is not confirmed that you are a demigod.

Does Ryan Sheckler have ADHD?

Sheckler does have ADHD.

Does Aubrey drake Graham have ADHD?

No, he does not have ADHD.

How can adhd be treaded?

adhd can not be treated and pills or patches can help to calm you down but not cure the adhd!

Does Donald Trump have ADHD?

No. Donald Trump does not have ADHD.

Where can I go to an ADHD school ?

You do not need to go to a special school for ADHD. You can go to a regularschool if your ADHD is monitored.

Is ADHD enough for an iep?

it depends on the level of adhd that you have

What are facts about ADHD?

adhd is not contagious so if you have it you were born with it