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The best way is to prevent them from getting in. You can do this by limiting the amount of food in open view and keeping the floors clean, even then it's normal to find some and you can easily kill them with a shoe or newspaper. I wouldn't recommend pesticides because they're toxic to you and those around you. If you're seeing a lot (hundreds) it would be best to consult a professional exterminator.

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∙ 8y ago
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∙ 12y ago

The best cell phone plan in my opinion is AT&T. They provide excellent service all the time; I never have any complaints. Their prices are very understandable. They are a very trustworthy and reliable company. No random hidden fees or charges.

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∙ 9y ago

There are very effective chemicals any killers but they are not always safe. The best way to get rid of ants is to remove what they want to eat.

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∙ 15y ago

get some ant repelint and spray it around where the ants are

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∙ 15y ago

use raid ant spray

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∙ 14y ago

get some insect killer spray

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Eddie K

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∙ 2y ago

Take them outside of course! ðŸĪŠðŸĪĢ

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Q: How do you get rid of ants inside of your house?
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How do you get rid of ants in hair?

There are a few ways to get rid of ants from the hair. Brush them out carefully from the hair or wash them from the hair with shampoo.

Do ants like rice?

It is rumored that tossing rice in a ant hill will kill them. This is because the rice would expand inside them once eaten. It can kill some ants, it is best to use specific ant pest removal products to get rid of them.

Need to get rid of tiny ants on your couch?

You can try to put rubber bands around the area where you see ants most! It is said that the smell of the rubber bands is disliked by ants. baby powder get rid of ants because they hate baby powder and they will have a spasm if you pour it on them or where they are coming from

How do get rid of black ants from being in your house?

I live in Jersey and to stop the ants from coming in I spray the outside of the house with commercial ant spray during the third week in March. Timing is have to kill them before they lay eggs. For Jersey it's the third week in March - where you live it may be a different time of the year.

What does it mean when black ants comes in your house?

If you see red ants attacking you, it means that you have displeased the gods and angered the fates. You must strive to appease the gods by rubbing organic lavender honey on your extremities and engaging in an orgiastic dance on top of the hill of the red ants until the gods are placated. They will usually send a sign, either in the form of chocolate raining down from the heavens or an unexpected pregnancy notice from the Archangel Gabriel, to show that they have been mollified. In the latter case, the gender of the supplicant is irrelevant.

Related questions

How do you get rid house ants?

Call an exterminator.

How do you rid peonies of ants so you can bring them inside?

The best way to rid the peonies of ants is to repot them. Make sure that you have not transferred the ants into the new pot, however.

What spice do you use to get rid of ants?

Ants hate cinnamon. If it is to keep them out of the house, just put down ground cinnamon where they enter and they will keep out. Cheap, easy & safe...

How do you get rid of earthworms inside your house?

Call an extermanator That is gross

How do you get rid of ants in a bathroom ceiling fan area?

You can get rid of ants with ant killer. You may have to remove your ceiling fan so that you can get all of the ants.

Naturally Get Rid of Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter ants have the ability to cause a lot of destruction to the wood of a home. They burrow through and create their nests inside wooden structures. Anyone who does not wish to rid his or her home of these pests with chemicals can do so naturally. Sprinkling a mixture of borax and powdered sugar around the home's trouble spots can kill the ants. The sugar draws them to the substance, while the borax will kill the ants by destroying their bodies' outer structures. Compared to insecticides, the borax is relatively safe. It does not contain the toxic fumes and residue which many commercial methods posses.

How do you get rid of black ants?

Sega SonicAnyway You Must Sprinkle Salt Around Your House And They Will Go Away. If That Doesn't Work Try Wet Crumbled Pink Chalk And Sprinkle That Where You Get Them.If Not That Or That Try Sweet N Low Or Draw a Chalk Line.

How do you get rid of ants in hair?

There are a few ways to get rid of ants from the hair. Brush them out carefully from the hair or wash them from the hair with shampoo.

Do ants eat raspberry bushes?

At my house they are. My bushes are covered in them and they are most definitely eating the fruit. I am trying to find ways to get rid of them.

What is the Name of a pest that might call an exterminator to get rid of in your house?

rats cockroach termites mice flies spiders -jguzt17

Does hot water get rid of ants?

yes,because ants cant swim

How get rid of ants?

Lavender, mint, chillies, cinnamon and eucalyptus are all natural ant repellents. this article has more helpful ideas: