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If it is a hive - rather than a nest - then just contact your local beekeeper association (find via the BBKA website). It will need to be moved at least 3 miles from its present location or bees will return to wherever it is currently.

If it is actually a bee swarm or nest then contact a swarm co-ordinator in your area (again check the BBKA website to find them). They will be able to check the type of bee and advise or act accordingly.

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Q: How do you get rid of black coloured bee's hive?
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i heard a thing about vinegar in a bowl that my help Answer for bee hive You need to locate the bee hive and destroy it at night when the bees will all be in the hive. I would call a professional if it is a large hive.

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You light a fire, and put a person on the torches below the bees hive, then they will smoke it out, and you will be able to harvest the honey :D

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Its best to get someone to come out and deal with it...they will probably spray it with smoke to subdue the bees, then freeze the hive with liquid nitrogen.

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They excrete it from the rear end of the abdomen. Honey bees do not defecate in the hive if they can possibly avoid doing so, they will take 'clearing' flights in the general area of the hive.

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Yes, bees do defecate. They eat, so they have to get rid of waste. The don't urinate, though. Their nitrogenous waste is passed into the rectum and mixed with the faeces. They won't defecate in the hive: they always do it in flight away from the hive. Even when confined to the hive for weeks at a time in winter they will 'cork it' until they can get out.

How do you get rid bees with smoke?

Bees are terrified of fire, beekeepers puff smoke in to the hive to make the bees go to the bottom when removing the honey. I wouldn't recommend taking up smoking just to keep a bumble bee away though

How do you get rid of the bees on Virtual Villagers?

you put your person on the torches next to the hive and light them on fire and your person will automatically move to the hive to calm the bees down then a person will try to extract the honey they may not get it on the first try because it is new to them

When do you get rid of a bees nest?

It is advised that only a trained and capable apiarist handle the removal of a bees' hive. This is very dangerous and if not done with the proper care, knowledge and equipment, it could lead to severe physical injury or death.

Are africanized bees harder to get rid of than regular honeybees?

They are no harder to get rid of, but more care needs to be taken because they are more protective of their hive than are European honey bees so are more ready to sting. Unless you are experienced at the task I would recommend you get professional help.

How do you get rid of bees in attic before they can establish a hive?

If there aren't any beekeepers in your area, then you have no other option but to kill them. The most effective and cheapest way to get rid of bees is through the use of bug sprays or insecticides. A can of bug spray does not cost much, and you likely have a can of it lying around in your home already.

How do you get rid of black and white bees?

They are Carpenters-Galleries in the wood need treated by a professional.