

How do you get rid of carp fish?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: How do you get rid of carp fish?
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What is the name of all the fish in the Carp family?

The carp we commonly refer to when using that name are the common carp, the grass carp, the bighead carp, the silver carp and the Crucian carp. Certainly there are other fish is this very large family. You may recognize koi as carp, and there are many other members of this group of fish. A full list of them would number in three digits.

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A goldfish is a fish, a member of the carp family. Carp fish are freshwater fish.

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Carp the answer is CARP

How do you get rid of carp?

Train the carp to concentrate in a small area. This can be done by periodically and consistently providing a food source, such as fish pellets. The fish will learn to come for food to a certain area at a certain time. You can also use dry dog food, corn or worms as bait.Catch the carp with a net. Use a large throw net or a net that can be pulled rapidly through the concentrated fish. After collecting the fish, train/feed the remaining carp without scaring them for a few days before attempting to net them again.Collect the fish in a fish pen. If you have built or can build a fish pen, train the fish to enter the pen by feeding with fish pellets. Close the pen after it is filled with carp. You can then net the fish individuallyUse a fish trap. A large fish trap that is kept baited can be useful to remove a large number of carp. Empty the trap every few days. It is sometimes useful to leave a few carp in the trap to attract other carp into the trap.Remove the carp. If you are going to transport the live carp to another area, make sure you have a container that is large enough for the number of fish you plan to transport, and is aerated so the fish don't suffocate.Thank to, eHow

How do you tell a carp fish from a koi fish?

Koi are a type of specially bred carp.

What do you call a fish a cart or a carp?

It is called a carp.

Is a common carp a mammal?

no a common carp is a fish

What do carp fish eat?

Carp fish eat or at least a typical carp fish will eat aquatic plants,insects,crayfish,dead fish, and mollusks (such as freshwater clams and nuts that fall from trees into the water)

Is a carp warm blood or cold blood?

Carp are fish. All fish are cold-blooded.

Is there a fish that starts with c?

Carp, crucian carp, and the catfish.

How do you spell carp?

The correct spelling is carp (to complain, or a freshwater fish).

What eats a carp?

Carp are eaten by various predators, including birds (eagles, herons), mammals (otters, raccoons), and fish (pike, catfish). Additionally, humans prey on carp for consumption.