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That funky smell in your sax case is coming from more than just the jazz you play. Over time, most instrument cases develop an odor that needs to be dealt with. Try these steps: 1. Remove all items from the case and scrub the case with a dry brush and then vacuum well. A fingernail scrub brush or something similar will work well to loosen the grime that can build up on the case lining over time, and then use a small attachment on your vacuum cleaner hose to be sure to get it all out. You don't want that gunk to end up in your pads. You can always leave the case open for a few days or give the case a light spritz with some fabreeze or Lysol and let it dry (very important). Do not spray your sax with these products. 2. Thoroughly clean and disinfect your mouthpiece in slightly warm (NOT HOT) water with a mild soap and some mouthpiece disinfectant or rubbing alcohol. Especially if you're a player who is still in school and you don't rinse out your mouth before you play. (EEEWWWW) your leftover lunch is probably growing some science experiment in your mouthpiece. HOWEVER NEVER EVER get any other part of your Saxophone wet. 3. Polish the metal parts of the instrument with a cloth treated especially for lacquered instruments. (or the specific metal of your sax if you have something more custom). You can get these cloths at music supply stores or online by looking up "instrument polishing cloths, lacquer". If you are really getting a lot of that funky cheap jewelry metal smell, be sure to wipe down the inside as well. As long as you don't get it on the pads, you could use small amounts of any product approved for lacquered brass polishing on a soft cloth on your sax. Put a tiny bit on the cloth, apply to the horn in a small circular motion, and wipe off in the same way. There used to be a product called Brasso sold in the supermarket near the dish soap aisle. 4. EVERY time you play, wipe out the spit and all the fingerprints. Any acid left from your body will deteriorate the metal on the sax, contributing to the smell. Good luck, amd may all your future funkiness be from cool jazz. :)

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Q: How do you get rid of metallic smell on saxophone?
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How do you get rid of metal smell on old saxophone?

The saxophone is made of a variety of parts and with this it takes extreme care and maintenance to prevent problems or damages. Luckily smell is not going to affect your playing, unless it's so smelly that you cannot bare breathing and playing. However, it will be difficult to get the metal smell out of your saxophone. The easiest way to do this would be to send your saxophone for an overhaul, a process where an instrument is completely taken apart and each piece is cleaned. The negative to an overhaul is the price as it will be extremely expensive and may cost you over $1,000. So if the overhaul is not an option for you, I would suggest taking it to the shop for a minor clean, replacing the pads, and then maintaining it well. You should swab it everyday to prevent from bacteria growing, and personally I think it takes away a little of that metal smell. or rub strawberry lip balm on it.

What instrument did bil Clinton play?

Bill Clinton played the tenor saxophone.

What is the smalest saxophone?

The soprillo saxophone.

What are saxophone repertoires?

The saxophone repertoire is any music written for saxophone, or transcribed for saxophone. This makes this music specific to saxophone and therefore playable on saxophone. Popular classical saxophone repertoire includes such pieces as Concerto-Glazunov, Concertino da Camera-Ibert, Sonata-Creston, Scaramouche-Milhaud.

What spelling is correct saxophone or saxophone?

Saxophone! I think :) the 2nd one i play an alto saxophone i better sure its right!

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How do you get rid of metal smell on old saxophone?

The saxophone is made of a variety of parts and with this it takes extreme care and maintenance to prevent problems or damages. Luckily smell is not going to affect your playing, unless it's so smelly that you cannot bare breathing and playing. However, it will be difficult to get the metal smell out of your saxophone. The easiest way to do this would be to send your saxophone for an overhaul, a process where an instrument is completely taken apart and each piece is cleaned. The negative to an overhaul is the price as it will be extremely expensive and may cost you over $1,000. So if the overhaul is not an option for you, I would suggest taking it to the shop for a minor clean, replacing the pads, and then maintaining it well. You should swab it everyday to prevent from bacteria growing, and personally I think it takes away a little of that metal smell. or rub strawberry lip balm on it.

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