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Mucinex or any medication with a good amount of guaifenesin.

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Q: How do you get rid of mucus in your head after a flu?
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How to get rid of Flu?

You cannot get rid of the flu. It is a virus. The symptoms can only be treated, until your antibodies can destroy the viral structure. This is why you get a flu shot because it significantly reduces the risk of getting the flu.

Do you get mucus in your eyes from the flu shot?

no. Unless you get shot in your eye ball.

How do i get rid of my baby's mucus?

the more milk you give your baby the more mucus comes up.

Mucus in spoutm removed by?

Coughing is the best way to remove mucus from the sputum, though there are over the counter medicines to help rid of mucus.

Is it easy to get rid of Swine Flu if you get it?

There isn't a way yet to ''get rid of'' swine flu so to make sure u don't get it just get the vaccine for it

How do you get rid of mucus under membrane of the eye?

very carefully

Does drinking lots of liquid help get rid of a cold?

Drinking lots of liquid does not help get rid of a cold. Drinking lots of water will help prevent dehydration and reduce mucus. Water helps keep mucus thin and easier for your body to get rid of it.

What is the function of the mucosal gland and its secretion?

The function is to get rid of excess mucus.

How do you get rid of a Swine Flu?

using oseltamavir tablets or syrup

Can you eat eggs to get rid of swine flu?

Maybe it is protein

Why water came from your nose when you are suffering from cold?

to get rid of the mucus and germs in your body.