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Well the most "black" suit I have seen in the game is the Armor of Altaïr. To get that you have to explore all of the Assassin Tombs and retrieve the seals to bring back to the Villa.

If you have no idea what I am talking about just continue with the main missions until all this is explained to you in-game.

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13y ago

There is only the basic cloak in ACII, which is more of a grey or dark brown. The other capes are the Medici Cape, which is red and helps keep your notoriety in Florence at zero. That is, until you do something socially unacceptable and the guards attack you, but even after killing many guards, your notoriety is still at zero. There is the Venician Cape (I forget the colour, but it's not black), which does the same in Venice and finally, the Auditore Cape, which is dark blue and makes you 100% notorious everywhere except for your own town.

However, at the stage where you go to Carnivale, Leonardo Da Vinci will supply you with an awesome looking black cape and mask for a short period. It's a pity too, since changing capes is annoying and the mask will do the same for every location... and the black cape is one bitchin' outfit accessory item!


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12y ago

Do you mean the part when you play as Altair? If so, I can help. You just have to follow the target. You can't assassinate. Just keep up with the person. They will lead you to a tower, which you will have to climb. It's a little tricky to climb, but it can be done. Once you are at the top, a cut scene will appear. Once the cut scene ends you just have to do a leap of faith off the tower to end the level. If you are still having problems, just look on YouTube for a walkthrough.

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14y ago

Unlocking Altairs Armor will make you're color scheme black, and to unlock this you must collect the six Assassins Seals, located in the Assassins Tombs in various cities.

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