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U need to drag a villager or two over the stream and they will start "clearing debris". U will need to do it constantly though or the debris will keep building up

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12y ago

You place one of your builders on the debris and then they will start to remove the debris

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Q: How do you keep the debris clear on virtual villagers 4?
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I've never done it but try to keep on dragging your villagers onto each other and maybe you just might get 100

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How do you kill all but one villager in virtual villagers 2?

make a stew of 3 black flowers. they can be found below the burial ground. this stew actually does harm to them. keep making your villagers eat it and it will eventually kill them. DON'T do that! You're village will die because there will be nobody to breed with!

How do you get a lot of people on the online version of Virtual Villagers 2?

The best way to get a lot of people is to mate two villagers. To get villagers to do this you must drag a male villager to a female villager, they may reject them a first but just mix pairs up and keep trying eventually it will work. The two crawl into a hut and come out later, the female carrying a baby NOTE:Both villagers must be old enough to do this, they must also be opposite gender

What do golden children in the game virtual villagers do?

Well... They're masters in all skills so they can basically do what ever you want him/her to. I do know if you let the people keep celebrating, he'll/she'll open the cave.