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Q: How do you get under the water on binweevils?
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How old is kitkat on binweevils?

In real life, KitKat is 13 on Binweevils, going to be 14 soon. Binweevils is opened for Kids under the age of 16!

How do you get the piece in the water on binweevils?

You get a gf

How do you get the pen from kip on binweevils?

you throw water on him

How do you get the piece out the water fountain in binweevils?

you just get a gf

Where are the 3 tablet pieces on binweevils near the fountin?

in the water

How do you get past the gard on binweevils?

im mussy9 on binweevils and its easy to get past the gard on binweevils just do somthing which will make him happy or on 1 of the missions just squert water at him or throw oranges at him so the bees will go to him

How do you water the flowers at binweevils?

you have to get the watering can to water it (but i dont have one so ask that question not this one)

What is the new binweevils?

binweevils 2

What is buntys password on binweevils?


How do you send a message to binweevils?


How do you get married in binweevils?

you can't get married in binweevils

How do you do a binweevils show on binweevils?

you can t unless you have been asked to send the binweevils team an email