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Q: How do you get wordle to work?
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Related questions

Who invented Wordle?

Wordle is the work of software engineer Josh Wardle, who originally created the game for his partner, a fan of word games.

If wordle isn't working what do i do?

wordle isn't working

Is Wordle an app?

Wordle is not an app. It can only be played online from the browser via a web page.

What is a sight similar to wordle?

Because wordle is for a collage of words, we can assume that a sight similar to wordle but not quite a wordle would, in fact, be a collage of pictures. Now in order to find such a collage, we can type in Google 'collage of [insert name of objects]' for example if I wanted a collage of flowers, I would type 'collage of flowers' and BAM you have 18,100,000 results!

What is the wordle for SKATING ice?

ice skating

Is there only one place to play Wordle?

The popularity of the original "Wordle" has spawned several spin-off sites with similar concepts like Absurdle, Hello Wordl, and Sweardle.

How do you get wordle back?

In case if you didn't know, a wordle is a fluffy kat mixed with a touch of nessi who enjoys eating alphabet soup. To get a wordle back, you catch a Colombian shooting star and put it in a jar with Mexican jumping beans and leechy nuts. Then, you boil it on the sun and pour it in a pink yedi cup. It works every time.

Does the same letter ever appear twice in a Wordle word?


Are there any websites like wordle?

Here are some top collections

Is there a Pokemon called wordle?

No, there is not. There is one called weedle, and one called wartortle.

What is Wordle?

Wordle is a daily word game you can find online. It's fun, simple and, like a crossword, can only be played once a day. Every 24 hours there's a new word of the day, and it's up to you to figure it out what it is.

Does everyone get a different word in Wordle?

No, everyone is playing the same puzzle with the same word.