

How do you help a hiccuping baby?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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You try to burp the baby. Either put the baby directly under your shoulder with their head on the top of your shoulder, and gently pat their back. You can also sit down and lay your child, stomach side down, on your thighs. Make sure their head is supported but their legs can hang down. When patting their back, start from the bottom and work your way up to between their shoulder blades. Tap about 5 times at time as you're working your way up. Expect your child to spit up sometimes, as this is normal. A little drop of gripe water also works very well for hiccups that are not stopping. IF YOUR NEWBORN is a voracious eater (drinker) whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding, try to slow them down with short breaks periodically. Sometime, drinking quickly and/or getting to much air may cause hiccuping. Also take short breaks and "burp" them frequently.

Giving the baby any fluids is not advised. Hiccups are usually caused by spasms. In layman's terms hiccups stop the breathing wherein there is a sudden involuntary opening and closing of epiglotis, the flap covering the airway passage and esophagus. Infants are not as aware of swallowing as we are. Giving fluids to infants may cause aspiration wherein fluids could enter the airway instead of esophagus and go into the lungs.. (see aspiration pneumonia..) In short, giving fluids to infants may cause choking.

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Not to my knowledge

How do you start hiccuping?

lay down on a bed and strart laughing really hard

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i am not totally sure on this one... there is no real PREFIX for hiccuping. If this is a school question i would put "hi", if you are looking for how many syllables its 3. I know i didn't give you a complete answer for your question... hoped it helped a little

Can you make yourself hiccup?

no it only happens 4 wat u eat<--------------------- Actually, you can make yourself hiccup. All you do is suck in air and act like you are hiccuping. The only thing about fake hiccuping is that it makes you actually hiccup.

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only if you are laughing and hiccuping together, then you can feel out of breath.

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no hiccups happen at random times and anyone can get them at anytime

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Is hiccuping normal to a newborn?

Hiccup is usually normal in newborn babies. == Hiccuping is VERY common in newborns and is not harmful. Sometimes gently rubbing the neck area from the chin to the sternum (up & down, not side to side or in circles) will relax the muscle that is causing the hiccup.

Are baby swings good for your baby?

Yes it help them relax.

Does your heart stop when you hiccop?

No, your heart is still beating. When air rushes to your voice box, it causes you to gasp for air (hiccuping).

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Brief and powerful expansion of the abdominal cavity outward, muffled grunt or sloshing sound.

What does the mother give to the baby?

The mother gives the baby food and blood, to help the baby grow!