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The multiple inheritance is supported by using more implements key word


class a implements b, implements c, implements d




so here the class a supports multiple inheritance by implementing class b,c,d.

Java does not support true multiple inheritance - true M.I. requires that a class be able to inherit directly from multiple classes. That is, in M.I., Class A can be a direct child of Class B and C.

To get much of the functionality and advantages of the M.I. model, Java uses Interfaces. Thus, a Java Class A will be the child of Class B, but can implement several interfaces X, Y, and Z. This attempts to mimic the behavior that in a M.I. language would be given by Class A being a direct child of B, X, Y, and Z.

The major difference between a M.I. language and a single-inheritance language with interfaces (like Java), is that interfaces can only define the method signatures and constants; they CANNOT provide implementations of those methods in the interface specification. Thus, any class which implements a given interface must provide an actual implementation of the methods that the interface describes. The big downside to this is that it can lead to a large amount of "code copying" - that is, if both Class A and Class B implement an interface X, there is a good chance that most of the methods from X will have the same code implementation in both Class A and B. Sometimes this is unavoidable; however, it is also considered good programming style to use abstract Classes to implement commonly used interfaces, then put that abstract class fairly high in the object hierarchy, allowing large numbers of classes to inherit from that abstract Class (which, in turn, means they have access to the implementation of those interfaces without having to copy the code). The advantage of interfaces is that they can keep things conceptually clean, and also make it simple for classes to decide how they want to implement the method contract the interface describes.

Practically speaking, if you would like Class A to inherit from Class B and also to inherit from Class C, then, in Java, you would simulate this via interfaces this way:

public class B {

// the superclass



public interface C {

// the Java equivalent of Class C in a M.I. Language



public class A extends B implements C {



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Q: How do you implement multiple inheritance through interface in java?
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