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Semen is mostly made up of water. If you drink lots of water, you can create more semen, BUT this will not increase the amount of sperm you produce.

There really is no way to 'make' more sperm, which is what I think you're trying to ask. However, as sperm is comprised mostly of protein, eating more protein may allow your body to produce more sperm.

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Experts say that a man's potency is in balance with the potency of his wife. If you are married to a very moist and potent wife then you will be very dry and impotent. In cultures where polygamy is common, a man suffering from low sperm volume will take a very old widow for a wife who has never been able to have children. The age of seventy or eighty is most effective. After a few weeks of marriage, the sex with the old dry widow will cause the balance of potency to swing back in the direction of the husband and he will have all the volume of semen that his young wife could ever dream of. To continue this fertility he will need to return to the old barren widow whenever his volume diminishes. A problem that began with low volume becomes an answer to prayer for an old woman. Please consult a physician before asking an old widow to marry you. You may not be up to it. Many men have found such women to be much more demanding in bed than their young wives and if an old widow gets angry with you she's got her cane or walker at the ready to smack you upside the head if you're not fast enough on your feet.

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Q: How do you produce more volume of semen?
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How can you produce more seamen?

If you abstain for a day or two, you'll certainly produce more sperm than you would ejaculating every few hours. But any longer than this one- to two-day timeframe, and you won't see much of a difference, as semen reservoirs will have stopped building up a supply

Does womens have semen?

No, women do not produce semen.

What effect does a vasectomy have on semen volume considering the percentage that sperm cells contribute to the total volume of semen?

Sperm make up a tiny volume of semen, but the testes still do produce some seminal fluids. After a vasectomy, you'll probably have less volume, but it probably won't be noticeable. The prostate gland, and cowpers gland are still fully active and connected post vasectomy, and they make the bulk of semen. It's the removal of the prostate that effects volume the most. After it's removal, many men experience "dry" orgasm.

Does wearing tight underwear effect how much semen volume you produce?

Not the volume, but it may reduce the number of viable sperm. Tight fitting underwear keep the testicles too warm.

Do bigger penises contain more semen?

No, a large penis is not correlated with a higher ejaculation volume. The size of the testicles also has nothing to do with semen amount.

Can you produce semen without prostate gland?

You can produce semen without a prostate gland, but its contents will be slightly different. Semen contains fluids from the testicles, seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands (Cowper's glands). Only about 25-30% of the volume of semen comes from the prostate.

Is women semen good for health?

Women do not produce semen.

Eating women semen good for you?

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