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Here are some ideas:

  1. Make sure you are eating and sleeping well. It is hard to remember things when you are exhausted and malnourished.
  2. Get memory enhancing supplements from your local vitamin shop. Ginkgo Biloba, fish oil, L-Carnitine, and choline are some of the products available.
  3. Use your memory more. The brain is much like a muscle, and the more you use it, the better it becomes.
  4. Build your self-confidence and particularly confidence in your memory. Part of your ability to remember it dependent on your ability to trust it. If you don't think you can learn or remember something, chances are, you won't.
  5. Memory tricks (mnemonics) can help you to remember things that are difficult to remember.

Here are some common mnemonics tricks:

If you cannot remember a person's name, find a way to connect their name to something about them. You may have to slur their name to make it fit. For instance, if a lady's name is Veronica and she has a sunny disposition, you might remember that she is "Very Nice," and that is only 2 letters different from Veronica. Or if her name is Helen, and she has red hair (or at least a nasty disposition), you could associate her with Hell. The main risk is accidentally blurting out your reminder word.

If you are giving a speech and need to remember your outline, then make up a sentence using the first letter of each of your main points. The sentence will be easier to remember than your list of points. This can also help where you have to remember ordered lists

A number of hard to remember facts have standardized mnemonics. To remember the bass clef in music, you can use "Gold Buttons Dress Fine Actors" to remember the lined notes, and "All Cars Expect Grease" to remember the spaces. Then the first ledger line above the bass clef or below the treble clef is middle C. For the treble clef, you can use "Every Good Boy Does Fine" for the lines, and "FACE" to remember the notes in the spaces.

For remembering what the colors on resistors (type of electronics component) mean, there is a sexist stanza - Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls, But Violet Gives it Willingly. That line gives the first letter of each color in order of value. Black means 0, brown is 1, red is two, continuing with orange (3), yellow (4), green (5), blue (6), violet (7), grey (8), and white (9). There are other (less offensive) mnemonics phrases for remembering resistor codes.

If you play a game where you have to remember positions around a circle, you might do better to convert the object locations to clock positions.

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You cant increase the inyernal memory for downloading. But you can buy a memory card and it will work. If this was not helpful please contact me on There we will discuss in detail.

How can one increase memory. What are the foods which can improve memory power you are recently having forgetullness or don't remeber names of person you have just heard and takes long time to recall.?

To increase memory, you can engage in regular aerobic exercise, practice mindfulness or meditation, get enough quality sleep, and use memory techniques like associations or visualization. Foods such as fatty fish, blueberries, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, and turmeric contain nutrients that are believed to support memory and brain function. If you're experiencing forgetfulness or difficulty recalling names, it's a good idea to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying health issues and to seek appropriate advice and strategies.

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yes just get a memory card for it