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Secondary consumers are animals that feed on primary consumers, such as mice, rats, rabbits, squirrels, deer, etc. Foxes, wolves, lions and tigers are secondary consumers.

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Q: How do you know an organism is a secondary consumer?
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What is a secondary consumer in eco system?

A secondary consumer is any organism that consumes an organism that has consumed an autotroph. An autotroph is eaten by a primary consumer, which is eaten by a secondary consumer. Put more simply, a secondary (or any further level) consumer is a predator/ carnivore. A primary consumer would be an herbivore, and an autotroph (also known as primary producer) is any organism that creates it own energy (generally plants).

Name one organism that can be a primary and a secondary consumer?


In a food web what is a secondary consumer?

A secondary consumer in a food web is the carnivorous or omnivorous animal that feeds on the primary consumer, which is the organism (normally a plant) that eats the producer (normally a plant).

Which organism is the secondary consumer in this food chain Aspen Rabbit Snake Hawk?

A rabbit is a primary consumer since it is a herbivor a secondary consumer would be an animal that eats the primary consumer like a fox.

Which organism is the primary consumer in the following food chain snake caterpillar leaf lizard?

The caterpillar is the primary consumer. If an organism eats plants, it is a primary consumer. If it eats other animals, it is a secondary or tertiary consumer.

Which organism the secondary consumer in the following food chain?

FOX- Apex

Is crawfish a secondary consumer or a primary consumer or a tertiary consumer?

u i um i um do not know

Is a wolf a primary consumer or a secondary consumer?

They are normally considered a secondary consumer.

Which organism is a secondary consumer in the food web?

A secondary consumer would eat a primary consumer/other consumers. They would be carnivores.

Is a platypus a producer consumer or decomposer?

A platypus is a secondary consumer. Secondary consumers are animals that eat primary consumers, and although platypuses do not eat fish, they do eat other primary consumers such as crustaceans, insect larvae and annelid worms.

What do you call the organisms that cannot make their own food and must feed on other organisms for energy and nutrients?

consumers. a consumer that eats a plant is a primary consumer. a consumer that eats a primary consumer is called a secondary consumer. a consumer that eats a secondary consumer is called a tertiary consumer. a consumer that eats a tertiary consumer is called a quarternary consumer.

Why tiger is secondary consumer?

Cheetahs are secondary or higher consumers. A primary consumer wold be an herbivore or an omnivore - it is an organism that consumes plants, which are the producers. A secondary consumer, like a cheetah, eats an organism that has eaten a producer.