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It is always the voice of your own ego. The alternative would be that God has chosen you, of all the people on earth, to speak to, and that assumption would again be your own ego.

A:The implication here is that Religious characters listened to and acted on their own ego (however insane or psychopathic those actions might have been), and not the voice of God. The excuse of "God told me to" becomes invalid, and instead insanity can be the only verdict! A:You hear him in your heart. A:If you are trying to hear God's voice and want to know his will but just cannot seem to hear Him. You could try picking up The Bible and reading it, what He said to others is written down for all to see. It may help.
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The voice of God often feels peaceful, loving, and in alignment with your values and beliefs. It may offer guidance that is wise and compassionate. The voice of your ego tends to be critical, fear-based, and focused on self-preservation. Developing self-awareness and discernment through practices like mindfulness and meditation can help you differentiate between the two.

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Q: How do you know if the voice you hear is the voice of God or that of your own ego?
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Can a person who is religious also be a humanist?

of corse as they can know that there is no god only humans but they can then understand that we are souls we are god but we have become an ego so god is what we truly are wich is the thing wich is eternity

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It can be argued that God did; "You are to be like gods." Humans naturally attempt this through the ego, however, when it is apparent that one becomes a god by overcoming their ego, and finding humility.

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"Feeding your ego" normally means surrounding yourself with people who tell you what you want to hear whether it's accurate or not. If someone is "feeding his ego," it means he just wants to hear that he's great without doing anything to earn it. It isn't a complimentary comment.

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It is our own mind and ego, the ME, that is our biggest enemy. It makes us believe we are this body. It makes us crave, and we take what we crave to our grave. Because we desire material happiness, we are unable to realize we are not the body, not the mind, not the ego. It is our own mind and ego that makes us a monkey, jumping from thought to thought. It disturbs and distracts us, it disrupts our connection with God. The ego makes us believe that God is separate from us, when in reality, God lives within the temple of our heart. The mind bombards us with thoughts, together the mind and ego create a barrier that stops us from connecting to God, not only knowing God but realizing God. In reality, we are all God particles that are surrounded by bone and skin, but we don't realize the power that is within.

What does Cuando El Ego Es Su Dios mean in english?

When the ego is your god This is an incomplete sentence but it looks like a title to something.

What does Ego Diligo Deus and Laus Deus Semper mean?

Ego diligo Deus means I love God in non-grammatical Latin and Laus Deus Semper means "Praise God Always"

Does God have a big ego he sure seems to?

No, God does not have a big ego at all. He may seem to have one because of what some have told you of God, but being egotistical and Almighty seems not to piece together when there are those that insult Him, disobey Him, and just choose not to believe in Him. God gave us free will to do all these things because He loves all. If He wanted all of us to play up His ego, He could easily get rid of the ones that do not, but instead, He does not. It's not about playing up God's ego, but following the path to His light. Many choose (the choice is always there) to praise God because of this light He extends to his children and because He has given us life to begin with.

What actress claimed in her autobiograpy that she had an alter ego who was the daughter of God and half-sibling of Jesus named Celestia?

Anne Heche claimed in her autobiography that she had an alter ego.

How do you say you are your own god latin?

Ego sum meo deo - I am my own god.

What is dative form of the Latin word ego?

The dative form of the Latin word "ego" is "mihi," which means "to/for me."

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The main idea of Christianity is to believe in God, the cross is the significance of kill the Ego, confession to God and surrender to him.

Do all the life forms have an ego?

There is good amount of evidence to believe that all the life forms have ego. You can not have a life form without the feeling of ego. This ego gives you desire to preserve your self. This ego gives you desire to reproduce. These both factors forms basis of every life form. There is no evidence to believe that this ego is more or less in any species of animal, plant or microorganism. Probably same is true with the viruses also. There is no evidence to believe that this ego is more or less in any individual life form.