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They look like dead guinea pigs. They don't move.

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15y ago
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10y ago

A hamster will usually look like it is resting - curled up in a ball and look very peaceful. A Hamster may pass away in it's area to sleep.

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14y ago

its very cold and stiff and wont move at all. i know this because it happened to my guinea pig.

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14y ago

You'll know when it doesn't have a pulse anymore.

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14y ago

Uhh, well this are some uhh all. Sleepy, cranky , depressed, angry, mangly, and old looking.

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13y ago

It looks like it's sleeping, except it's's dead.

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Q: How do you know if your guinea pig is dead?
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What to do when your guinea pig is dead?

Bury it or cremate it.

What does cooked guinea pig look like?

Bruned guinea pigs and dead guinea pigs.

What do you bury your guinea pig in?

If dead, the guinea pig can be buried (maybe in the garden) as any other pet would be.

What if a baby guinea pig does not move?

It's dead

How can I prevent guinea pigs from being born dead?

Well, you cant prevent a still born guinea pig. But you can try to revive the guinea pig once it is born.

Should you remove a dead guinea pig from its mother?


How do you know if your guinea pig is calling another guinea pig?

they sqeak and the other usually sqeaks back

How do you know if your guinea pig puked?

It won't have thrown up - Guinea pig's physically cannot be sick.

You think your guinea pig is preg but how are you to know for sure just wait?

Take you guinea-pig to the vet - if they are experienced they should be able to tell if your guinea-pig is preggers or not.

Do flies eat guinea pigs?

Only if they are dead. Then their main goal would be to place eggs in the body of the guinea pig. The eggs turn into maggots, that then eat the guinea pig.

When do you know your guinea pig is sick?

when your guinea pig has a sign of thinning fur or bald patches or a wet nostrils.