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Thousands of people saw him, he talked with many of them so he was alive, and he was seen ascending into the sky. Christianity would not have been able to get any kind of a start if the body of Christ could have been shown to still be in the tomb. It could have been soundly thwarted right at the beginning - and there was no shortage of people who were keen to do so. No body was ever produced.

The Gospels are historic documents in their own right, and all the writers were witnesses or associates of witnesses to the resurrection of Christ. Their accounts have minor variations indicating a lack of collaborative effort and a harmony indicative of a historic event. Almost all of the disciples were prepared to die horrendous deaths for their insistence on what they had witnessed. They could simply have stated it was a hoax and saved their lives. Instead they endured all manner of persecution. An entire new way of living was begun since Jesus appeared to hundreds of people following the resurrection and these people spead the news and changed the world. This could not have happened from some prank.

Christians also have the witness within of the Holy Spirit which testifies to the truth of Christ's living presence. This cannot be understood from the outside, but those who have become Christians know without doubt that Christ is indeed alive.

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Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected based on biblical accounts in the New Testament, where various witnesses claimed to have seen Him alive after His crucifixion. The historical evidence and consistency of these accounts support the belief in Jesus' resurrection and continued presence as alive. Faith also plays a significant role in affirming Jesus' resurrection as a central tenet of the Christian faith.

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Q: How do you know that Jesus was resurrected and is alive?
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