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Well, here r some things.

u might start to feel tired and annoyed.

u will sniff a lot and when u blow your nose there will be more snot.

u might twitch your nose a lot.

u will start to feel achy and not be able to concentrate well.

u will cough a lot and your throat will feel scratchy.

u will be okay :) :)

I hope that helped and that if you have a cold, feel better. You will most likely not throw up or anything. I promise, u will be okay. Have a wonderful, nice, awesome day.

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14y ago
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13y ago

your head will hurt less, your voice will begin to regain its strength and you will cough less and not have as much difficulty with your bones As they might hurt when you just got your cold

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14y ago

your nose will stop running, you won't have a headache, maybe your throat will not be raspy (if it ever was raspy) and when you get out of bed you will not feel dizzy.

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well the way I deal with my cough is to just take a cough drop's ricola kinds are the best for a cough you cant get that cough away by taking cough drops... take some cough syrup and if that cough doesn't wear off i think you should go to the doctor and see because that might be iteration in the lungs or throat. I HOPE THIS HELPED YOU!

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