

How do you learn to study?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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12y ago

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This is an excellent question. You actually can learn better ways of learning -- click on some of the related questions for more information, too!

Ways to improve your learning skills:

  • Pay attention! The more observant you are about the world around you, the more you will notice and learn.
  • Ask questions! People who are curious and ask a lot of questions learn more than people who are afraid to ask anything. Ask all sorts of questions, too -- how does it work, what does it do, where did it come from, what is it's name -- any question will help you learn more information.
  • Practice! Learn how to take good notes in class, and how to outline information. Learn how to listen and read for the most important information in a topic. The more you practice learning, the better you get.

Keep trying different methods for memory work and other tasks until you find the ones that work for you.

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13y ago
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14y ago

==new answer==Through experience. Whatever your question is, gather as much information as you can and put it to the test. As you implement the intention to understand, a way to see it will show up in your experiences, so be open to see. Remember the words, seek and you will find. Notice that the phrase did not include, if, but, maybe, when ,,etc.

Answer: If you are revising for a test, either write it all down over and over again until it sticks in your head or read it over and over again until it sticks in your head and then try without looking for both until it sticks in your head. If you want to learn things like for example, the capital cities of countries or the order of the planets from the sun, then make up a little story that will help you to remember it. However if you are on about just learning things not remembering things then either go to school (duh), read from textbooks or research things from the internet and then get them to stick using my remembering techniques!

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6y ago

The honest answer is ... nobody really knows!

There are a lot of ideas about how people learn. I am guessing that you don't want a detailed scientific explanation about brain cells and things, but are asking for more general terms. If you do want the nerve cell answer, just ask another question and we'll see what we can do to answer it!

Here are some ways that people learn things:

  • people search for meaning - it is normal for people to wonder why things happen, or what things mean, and we learn by doing this.
  • people learn by repetition - the more you practice something, the better you get. This is not only because you've trained your body and mind how to do that thing, but also because each time you repeat, your brain goes back over the same pathway of nerves and actually gets faster at connecting!
  • people learn by conditioning - this is a fancy way of saying that if you get a reward of some kind for learning something, you'll learn faster and remember it better. This is why we have grades in school and paychecks in adult life - any reward makes you do a better job.
  • people learn by watching others - it is normal for people to watch someone else do a task before they try it themselves. You learn more easily if you have a model to show you how things work.
  • people learn when something doesn't work - failure actually helps you to learn more than success. When something doesn't work, you learn all the things that failed, and you learn how to fix them and make that thing work - this is a lot more information than you'd have gotten if things just flew along perfectly the first time.
  • people learn to understand - it's very frustrating to see other people doing something you can't do, and it's normal for people to want to understand how things are done by others.
  • people learn in three basic styles - visual learners (people who learn easiest when they see something on paper or a computer screen), auditory learners (people who learn best if they hear something), and kinesthetic learners (people who learn best by actually doing something themselves).
  • children learn in four basic stages. They begin with something that a famous psychologist (Jean Piaget) calls the sensori-motor stage; this is the time from birth to about 2 years old when children begin to learn about reality (for example, most young children don't understand that objects are still there even when they cannot see them - this is why the game of "peek-a-boo" is so much fun for babies). The next stage (ages 2-7) is called the pre-operational stage, and is where the child doesn't understand abstract ideas and thinks in concrete terms (for example, they have trouble connecting the idea of "all dogs" to the idea of "my collie dog"). Ages 7-11 are known as the concrete operations stage, and is when the child begins to learn abstract thinking skills (for example, they now can work math problems using just numbers without needing physical objects to count with). Finally, from ages 11-15, the child enters the formal operations phase, during which they learn adult thinking skills.
  • people learn by concentrating and focusing on things, and making an effort to learn them.
  • people also learn in unconscious ways, such as hearing a song and remembering the words without making any effort to do so.
  • people learn with different areas of the brain - your right brain is usually better at learning more creative (intuitive) things like inventing solutions to problems and looking at the overall picture; your left brain is usually better at learning more logical (rational) things like ordered lists, analyzing problems, and looking at specific parts of the whole.

people learn to do things by watching other people or there born knowing how like when our born you know how to cry and laugh
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8y ago

in order to gain knowledge,you need to make an effort to understand and explain the world round us.And how to do these is quite difficult because you need to be clever,brilliant and patient because most of the prominent scientist did not got it easier at all,example like Isaac newton.He was not a healthy child and all his childhood years,he was at educated at home,but he absolutely made it to the top

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8y ago

Here are some good ways to gain knowledge:

  • Be curious - the more you wonder about things, the more you can learn about the world
  • Be appreciative - the more you realize what a wonderful world you live in, the more you want to understand it
  • Be mindful - just paying attention to what's going on around you will give you knowledge
  • Be persistent - sometimes you have to work to learn, especially if you're trying to memorize facts or dates or definitions
  • Be a planner - you can't learn everything at once, so have a plan for how you're going to learn - if you're in school, they already have a plan in place to help you, and all you need to do is keep up with the syllabus and curriculum; if you're not in school, plan where you're going to find knowledge and how much you're going to work every day on learning something new (like learning one new vocabulary word every day, or memorizing the world capitals)
  • Be a seeker - try to find opportunities to learn new things, either by taking formal classes or just by talking to people who are older and wiser than you are, and learning what they have already learned over their lives
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9y ago

The best way to learn depends on how you learn. If you learn by doing, then you will need to actively participate in the learning process.

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12y ago

try different ways to study and see which ones work best

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6y ago

There are three major ways to learn:

  • By seeing - reading or watching someone do something
  • By hearing - listening
  • By doing
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11y ago

By listening.Paying attention.

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