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Download a God Goodie from When you enter this site, find a icon with text Goodies. Then choose Aveyond 1 and click on the God Goodie.

Follow the instructions in text file. The Rhen's room in Ghalarah will become bigger. If are you in Ghalarah, just go in house where is your master, and then enter your room and come to the chest. Open it. If you are in other place, travel to the Ghalarah and do the same.

If level between 30 and 45 is not enough for you, enter, Goodies and then Aveyond 1 again. This time you must choose Level Goodie. Download it.

You must replace files for God Goodie with files for Level Goodie. Enter the Rhen's room in Ghalarah again. If you see a opened chest, leave the house and enter it again. You should see the unopened chest that you must open if you want be on level 60 or higher.

But, there is also an another way to gain levels. If you have got enough money (at least 50 000), go to Veldt near Demon Caves, explore it carefully, and you'll find a man who will say you that you can train with him to gain 400 exp per train (one train will cost you 400 gold pennies). However, I would not recommend that, as you gain 400 exp per train (which is not enough if you're on high level), and you can lose all your money if you're not careful.

Warning: to gain a new level (if you are on high level, for example, level 83), you'll need over 30 000 exp. Go fight with monster in Blackroot System, Sedona, Demon Caves or something like that. Monsters that are near, for example, Teacup Town, Ghalarah, Veldarah or Thornkeep are so easy for you if you're on high level.

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What games are similar to aveyond aveyond 2 and ahrimans prophecy?

i have beaten both of these games and aveyond 1 so i know what they are like.i now play an ausome rpg game called rune scape. its almost excactly like the three games. on rune scape u can level up by leveling up diverse stats. some of which are strenghth, fishing, defence, cooking, thieving, and many can also do quests for people all over the can make money on your own, and buy upgraded armour and can choose wat you look like trust me you will like it. if you decide to play you can get there by going to when you make a rune scape file and need help add me on your friend list my user name is: bacman136

Aveyond gates of night walkthrough?

try double games at this link and enter aveyond gates of night. it should offer a free downloadable strategy guide This link takes you to a page where you can download a fan made strategy guide. It opens in notepad and has everything you need on it to complete the game. There is also a stragegy guide (an official one) which you can buy from

Does playing violent games affect your health?

Yes, but than again no it depends on what games your playing and how you go about playing them... In some ways playing violent games can change your health so be careful of what games you play okay..

What is hamachi?

Hamachi is a program that allows an individual to easily create a virtual private network between multiple machines. Edit: Good for example playing pirated games in multiplayer with your friends

What are disadvantages of playing computer games?

The disadvantages are your eyes will hurt, and playing games on computer is not healthy to us.

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Where can you find unlimited time trial downloads?

Try They don't have unlimited time, but they do have games like the Aveyond series free for the first 10 hours. Hope this helps.

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yeah of course there r a purchase or download)1. EVERQUEST II2. VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE - BLOODLINES3. AVEYOND 24. SACRED GOLD5. SID MEIER'S PIRATES!6. Puzzle Quest7. Tortuga - Two Treasures (English and Francais)8. Pirates of the Burning Sea9. Depths of Peril10 Empires and DungeonsENJOY!!!if u need more ask mecould you please tell me some animal role playing games?

What are some of the best RPG Games for 13 year olds?

I don't know really much RPG, but i played Aveyond, wich has a good story and is not to hard to play. Im 13 myself. :)

What games are similar to aveyond aveyond 2 and ahrimans prophecy?

i have beaten both of these games and aveyond 1 so i know what they are like.i now play an ausome rpg game called rune scape. its almost excactly like the three games. on rune scape u can level up by leveling up diverse stats. some of which are strenghth, fishing, defence, cooking, thieving, and many can also do quests for people all over the can make money on your own, and buy upgraded armour and can choose wat you look like trust me you will like it. if you decide to play you can get there by going to when you make a rune scape file and need help add me on your friend list my user name is: bacman136

Aveyond gates of night walkthrough?

try double games at this link and enter aveyond gates of night. it should offer a free downloadable strategy guide This link takes you to a page where you can download a fan made strategy guide. It opens in notepad and has everything you need on it to complete the game. There is also a stragegy guide (an official one) which you can buy from

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In Lego website one can play games of Action, Strategy, Adventure, Role Playing Game and Creative category. These games are small and easily playable.

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Is playing games misuse?

it depends on what games you are playing. if you are playing games that are 18 above it is misuse but if you are playing games like runescape, battleon, fantage and other games it is not misuse.

Is playing game is misused?

it depends on what games you are playing. if you are playing games that are 18 above it is misuse but if you are playing games like runescape, battleon, fantage and other games it is not misuse.

where can I go to play card games like poker in jacksonville, florida?

You can easily play card games online or there are casinos available in Jacksonville, FL where you can play. Playing Poker will require you to play and gamble with money in the casino.