

How do you levitate with magic?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Magic isn't real you can't!!

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Q: How do you levitate with magic?
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Is levitating a human possible?

Yes if they wore magnetic shoes then stood on a magnet of the same pole. Same poles repels so if the magnets are powerful enough you will levitate. It has not been proven that human can levitate using magic but I think you can.

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Cris Angel is an illusionist. Chris Angel does not reveal how he does his tricks. People have their own explanations. An explanation of the beach trick is that Chris quickly switched with his assistant.

How can I levitate?

You cannot. Levitation is not possibleAnswer:While levitation in the magic sense (good for flying carpets, saints and such after repeating a fer mystic phrases) is not possible, physics experiments have demonstrated ithat living organisms can levitate in very strong and managed magnetic fields. This falls short of the "levitate and fly around the room" ability, but it does demonstrate the process (See Links). If you cheat a bit and levitate a magnetic material a person can stand on the levitating platform.

What rhymes with levitate?

Some words that rhyme with "levitate" are "decorate," "meditate," and "elaborate."

How do you levitate ojects?

Using Harry Potter's magic incantations,use the words WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA to leviate objects.for more enquires follow me on twitter-@obinozieval

How do you levitate the chest in Skulduggery Pleasant?

you have to levitate everything else first

How do humans levitate?

Humans appear to levitate through optical illusions.

How do you levitate using aerokenesis?

You can't levitate things. There is no such thing as aerokinesis.

How do you say levitate in Australian?

We in Australia speak English. "Levitate" is a reasonable translation.

Could you levitate?

yes i could levitate and make my lower half of my body dissapear

Can people levitate or fly?

People cannot levitate, but they can fly using airplanes and helicopters.

How do you levitate a lemon?

Levitation, using will power or some form of telekinesis is not possible. There are many books on illusions and 'magic' trick that are available which will show you some of the ways that illusionists create such effects.