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1.) Don't focus on it, live in the moment and it will come faster, focusing on Christmas makes it worse

2.) Don't sing/listen to Christmas songs too early in the season, don't start listening/singing to Christmas songs until maybe December 10th, and then Christmas will seem to come really fast (trust me)

3.) Break out the Christmas decorations. It never hurt anyone to put up the tree and stockings to get into the Christmas spirit

4.) Get into the Christmas spirit, but not too early in the season. Don't start thinking about Christmas that much until around December 10th or so.

5.) Get gifts for other people, and look forward to seeing the look on their face when they open it.

6.) Get EXCITED about Christmas coming. Start thinking about giving to others and getting stuff from others.


Correction for number 6.

6) (edited) Get EXCITED about Christmas coming. Start thinking about giving period. It's far better to give. Do one a kindness and a kindness shall be done back to you.

7) (new one) Look forward to seeing cousins, family, friends, and people.

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12y ago

Try to not think about Christmas, also sleep a lot and keep yourself busy.

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