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Makeing a home made bait net.


A big onion bag you can get one at fruit and veg shop.

A stick about 6 ft long.

A clothes hanger . (wire one)

Treid the top of the bag around the hanger.

And using tap or nail's secure wire clothes hanger to top of stick.

And there you go a homemade net.

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Q: How do you make a homemade bait net?
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go far out into the ocean and you either need a super big net with a giant fish as bait, OR a master fishing rod with a giant fish as bait.

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Just keep on fishing, use a rod, a lobster cage, a crayfish cage, and a shrimp net, and a fishing net, you also will need bait, and feathers, you can get bait by buying it from a fishing shop, Grand Exchange, or killing muggers, these 3 options will give you the food bait, and the feathers, you can kill chicken, or get them from Grand Exchange. :] Buzz me if you need any more help! Good luck! And make sure you get to level 99! :]

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How did people fish in Jesus time?

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