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Draw a perpendicular from a point to the line of reflection. Extend this [perpendicular] line so as to double its length. This point is the image of the original point. Repeat for all key points of the original shape and then join them together.

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Q: How do you make a rule for reflecting a line not over the x or y axis?
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A point P has coordinates (3 2). What are its new coordinates after reflecting point P over the x-axis?


What is the line over which a figure is reflected?

It is the axis of reflection.

What is the reflection in Geometry?

Reflections are congruence transformations where the figure is reflected over the x-axis, y-axis, or over a line.

How do the coordinates of a point change when it is reflected over the x-axis?

Reflecting the the x-axis (line y=0) leaves the x-coordinate unchanged and negates the y-coordinate: (x, y) -> (x, -y) For example: (1, 2) -> (1, -2) (3, -4) -> (3, 4)

When reflecting something over the x Axis but there are points already there what can be done if there is a zero for the y coordinate?

Point with y = 0 do not move.

What is the point on a coordinate plane where the line crosses over the x axis?

The point where a line crosses the x-axis is called the x-intercept.

How do you find the coordinates of a quadrilateral after reflecting it over the y axis?

If the coordinates of a point, before reflection, were (p, q) then after reflection, they will be (-p, q).

What is the slope of a line on a graph?

The slope of a line is the change of the y(vertical) axis over the x(horizontal) axis. It is the rate. In the formula y=ax+b the a is the slope.

What is the coordinates for a 2-fold rotation about the x-axis and the y-axis?

This question doesn't seem to make sense. First of all, does the 2-fold rotation mean once about the x-axis, then once about the y-axis?Secondly, rotations are around a point, but reflections are over a line (which is what an axis is)Please edit your question and resubmit.

How do you make and equation on a line in a graph?

The equation for the slope of a linear equation is Y=Mx+b, where m is the slope of the line, (Rise over run) and where B is the Y-intercept. (Where it crosses the Y axis)

What are line graph useful for?

Apex- How one variable effects another

When you can use A line graph?

When plotTing data over time, for example: horizontal axis: fish stock and vertical axis: year (1990-2010).