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Distill the gum (not sap) from Pine trees.

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Q: How do you make a turpentine still?
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What is a sentence for turpentine?

Queen Queen Caroline washed her hair in turpentine,turpentine to make it shine Queen Queen Caroline

How to Make beeswax furniture polish without turpentine?

Instead of useing turpentine use olive oil in the mix.

How is turpentine made today?

Turpentine (AKA spirit of turpentine, oil of turpentine, wood turpentine, gum turpentine, and white spirit) is technically a blend of terpenes, mainly alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. It is still made from organic materials collected from the processing of pine pulp. The specific process leading to its production is the Kraft process where wood pulp destined to become paper is cooked in a strong caustic solution until the cellulose fibers can be collected. The rest of the organic material is distilled for organics removal. Turpentine is one of the products.

How do you make mineral turpentine oil?

by distillation of crude and its derivates

Where to buy turpentine in the Philippines?


What does paint annd turpentine make?

its a your mom in a skirt with no braw and eyeliner

What is rectified turpentine?

Rectified turpentine is a type of turpentine oil that has been distilled to remove impurities, making it a purer and clearer form of turpentine. It is often used as a solvent in paints, varnishes, and other products due to its strong solvency properties.

Why are turpentine and thinner added to paint?

To make the paint easy to spread on surfaces

What solutes dissolve in turpentine?

Turpentine is a good solvent for paints.

What is the pH of turpentine?

I suppose that the pH of turpentine cannot be determined.

What products did the southern colonies make?

lumber, candles, pitch, tar, turpentine, furs

Can turpentine be used for bee stings?

yes because it will make the stinging go away