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To make an experiment more accurate you would have to repeat the experiment 3-5 more times to make it reliable and also you would do what Liverpool college do and compare the answers with other people in the class, community or teacher.

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14y ago

You can make sure a experiment is accurate by only changing one thing and doing the experiment more than once to make sure its a fair test.

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How do you make an experiment more accurate?

et you a dictionary!

How will repeating an experiment make the results more accurate?

because then you realize what you did wrong and fix it.

How could you make more accurate predictions?

To make an experiment more accurate, repeat the experiment several times. If you do it 5 times there could be one or two anomalous, however do it 10, 15, 20 or 100 times you would find that about 95% of your results say one thing and that 5% say another, then your experiment will be dead accurate.

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Why is it important to have an accurate data in a experiment?

The importance of a control in an experiment?

When doing a controlled experiment, you get accurate results.

Why do you have to have trials in an experiment?

so your answer is accurate

How can you be sure the results of an experiment are accurate?

repeat your experiment a few times!! that's it, easy.

What is the amount of error when using a stopwatch in the simple pendulum experiment and by repeating the amount of swings when timing does this make it more accurate?


Why must scientist make accurate observations?

A scientist must make accurate observations because usually these results are going to be communicated to others. Some people might even want to do the same experiment so you have to give the right directions before something bad happens. However, though, in experiments, scientists repeat their trails for more accurate results.

When you do an experiment is it important to have all measuring accurate?

It would be pointless doing the experiment and not measuring accurately

How is an accurate experiment different from a fair experiment?

A fair experiment is fair wheras an accurate experiment is more accurate. LOL Joke. The latter simply means the results are to a higher degree of.... accuracy e.g instead of to 5, the result could be 5.1235 However a fair experiment is a test carried out under fair conditions. If testing more than once during the experiment you have to be sure that things remain at the same level i.e. Temperatures Amounts of reactants Time must remain the same..

Why must the researching scientists provide accurate reports and steps for others to read and follow?

So others can repeat the experiment and make observations