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Iron oxide is with oxygen poopys

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Q: How do you make iron sulfate hydroxide and oxide?
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What happens when Ferrous sulphate reacts with sodium hydroxide?

Sodium displaces the sulfate to make sodium sulfate; iron displaces the hydroxide to make ferrous hydroxide which becomes brown.

How many bonds does iron make?

iron can make 6 electrons which have outer electrons.iron mixed with oxide will make a gas called iron oxide. iron oxide is used a lot in lab research and testing.

What does the mixing of iron oxide with sulphuric acid make?

Let's see. FeO + H2SO4 --> FeSO4 + H2O Iron II sulfate ( also called ferrous sulfate ), a salt, and water.

What is the reaction when iron sulfate is poured into water?

Iron sulfate dissolves in water to make an aqueous solution of iron sulfate.

Can you make potassium hydroxide by mixing potassium sulfate and calcium hydroxide?

Yes, the potassium and the hydrogen will bond together, leaving the sulfate and calcium.

What elements are in iron oxide?

We know that iron (Fe) and oxygen (O) make up iron oxide. (There is more than one oxide of iron, by the way.)

How can you make iron II sulfate?

iron and sulphuric acid

Why does the rusting of iron make the iron thinner and thinner?

When rusting occurs, some of the outer metal converts to a crumbly iron oxide that doesn't have the same strength as the metal. The deeper the rusting goes into the metal , the weaker the bar will become.

What reacts with iron oxide to make iron?


What is iron mixed with to make iron oxide?


What does iron and water make?

Iron oxide or rust

What does magniesuim and i ron oxide make?

Magnesium oxide and Iron