

How do you make the number 2 into a fraction?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How do you make the number 2 into a fraction?
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How do you make a whole number into a fraction?

to make a whole number into a fraction all you have to do is make it whatever the whole number is over one ex: 2 is your whole number, to make it a fraction simply put it over one. when you say it, you can say 2 over 1, 2 firsts, or 2 divided by 1. 2 divided by one does equal 2, your starting whole number.

What does a whole number and a fraction make?

a mixed number. example: 1+1/2, or a top heavy fraction, 1+1/2 = 3/2

How a whole number can be written as a fraction?

1. Write the number. 2. Make a fraction bar under it like this_ 3. Make the denominator (the number under the bar) 1.

What two parts make up a mixed number answer?

A whole number and a fraction make up a mixed number as for example 2 and 3/5

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An LCD is a positive integer. But any integer can can be expressed as a fraction : as the same number divided by 1. Or twice the number divided by 2, etc.

How do you make 5 over 3 a fraction?

Since 5/3 is an improper fraction, it can be written as it is or as a mixed number. To convert 5/3 to a mixed number, you can divide 5 by 3, because a fraction bar also stands for the division symbol. When you divide, you get 1 with a remainder of 2. To change this answer, 1 remainder 2, to a mixed number, simply make 2 the numerator and the divisor (3) the denominator of a fraction, and add this fraction to 1. 1 2/3 is the answer. Hope this helps!! :)

What is the formula for determining a fraction of a number?

Multiple the fraction with the number. For example, what is 1/2 of 10? 1/2 * 10 = 5.

How do you make an improper fraction?

Make the numerator larger than the denominator.An improper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator. ( the top number is larger than the bottom number)Examples.4/3 , 5/2 , 6/3 etc.

How do you turn a whole number in to a mixed number?

By making it into a fraction. For instance: If you wanted to make 3 into a mixed number, you can do 2 and 5-fifths

How do you write the remainder 2 as a fraction?

The numerator of the fraction is '2'. The denominator of the fraction is the divisor (the number you were dividing by).

What is whole numeber?

A whole number is a number in which there is no decimal or fraction after the number or the number is a fraction or decimal. ex. ...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2...

How do you make a number an improper fraction?

Any whole number can become an improper fraction by putting it over one. 9 = 9/1