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Thanks for the clarification in the discussion. First: you don't really want force. The force is measured in newtons, and is the same whether you drop the hammer only a short distance or from the roof of the highest building you can get to. You really want to know the kinetic energy, which will be measured in joules, since that's what depends on the height. So: enough blather. How do you find these things? The easiest way is to weigh the sledgehammer. If you've got a scale that shows newtons, congratulations. If not, but you can find one that shows kilograms, then just multiply the mass of the hammer in kilograms by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 meters per second per second) to find newtons. Suppose your sledgehammer has a mass of 4.0 kg. Multiply by 9.8 m/s/s to get 39 N. Once you know the force acting on the hammer, you can use that to calculate the kinetic energy. That's just the force in newtons multiplied by the height (in meters) you drop the hammer from. To make it simple, let's suppose it's being dropped from 1.0 meter. The force is then 39 N * 1.0 m = 39 J.

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1w ago

The force of a falling sledgehammer can be measured using a force sensor or accelerometer. When the sledgehammer hits a surface, the force exerted can be recorded in units such as newtons. This measurement helps assess the impact and potential damage caused by the falling sledgehammer.

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How much force can you generate with a sledgehammer?

The force generated with a sledgehammer depends on the strength of the person wielding it and the speed at which it is swung. A typical person can generate several hundred pounds of force with a sledgehammer when swung with full force.

How much force is imparted by a swinging 8 pound sledgehammer?

The force imparted by a swinging 8-pound sledgehammer depends on the speed of the swing and the angle at which it strikes the target. In general, the force is calculated as the mass of the sledgehammer multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity (32 ft/s^2), giving a force in pounds. If the sledgehammer is swung with a higher velocity and strikes the target directly perpendicular, the force will be greater than if it were swung slowly or at an angle.

Could someone die from a sledgehammer to the back with force?

Yes, it is possible for someone to die from a sledgehammer blow to the back with enough force. The impact could cause significant internal injuries, such as damage to vital organs or the spinal cord, leading to death.

What is the upward force on an object?

The upward force on an object is a measure of the force exerted on it in the opposite direction to gravity. It is often called the normal force and counteracts the downward pull of gravity to keep the object from falling through a surface.

Which encounters the greater force of air resistance a falling elephant or a falling feather?

A falling elephant encounters a greater force of air resistance than a falling feather does. The force of air resistance can't be greater than the weight of the falling object. When the force of air resistance is equal to the weight of the falling object, the object stops accelerating, its falling speed becomes constant, and the force of air resistance doesn't get any bigger. So the force of air resistance against a falling feather can't be greater than the weight of the feather. But the force of air resistance against a falling elephant can be, and undoubtedly is, greater than the weight of a feather.

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Is hitting your head at 15 miles per hour the same force of impact as a sledgehammer?

It can be. Hitting your head at 15 m/hr can hurt quite a bit. It is about the same force as landing on your head after falling from a tall staircase. Potentially lethal

Could someone die from a sledgehammer to the back with force?

Yes, it is possible for someone to die from a sledgehammer blow to the back with enough force. The impact could cause significant internal injuries, such as damage to vital organs or the spinal cord, leading to death.

Pokemon game were do you get a sledgehammer?

Sledgehammer? In no Pokemon game you can get a sledgehammer.

Can you use sledgehammer?

I am quite adept with a sledgehammer. A sledgehammer weighs more than your average hammer. Would you please pass me that sledgehammer? I have a smashing idea! A sledgehammer is the best hand tool for making little rocks from big rocks.

Frank Bruno punch measure?

it has been proven that his punch, in in fact equally as painful as being hit in the face with a sledgehammer.

Which encounters the greater force of air resistance a falling elephant or a falling feather?

A falling elephant encounters a greater force of air resistance than a falling feather does. The force of air resistance can't be greater than the weight of the falling object. When the force of air resistance is equal to the weight of the falling object, the object stops accelerating, its falling speed becomes constant, and the force of air resistance doesn't get any bigger. So the force of air resistance against a falling feather can't be greater than the weight of the feather. But the force of air resistance against a falling elephant can be, and undoubtedly is, greater than the weight of a feather.

What are the release dates for Falling with Force - 2009?

Falling with Force - 2009 was released on: USA: March 2009

How does force and gravity effect a falling object?

As an object falls, gravity acts as an external force pulling it downward. This force causes the object to accelerate as it falls towards the Earth's surface. The object's speed increases until it reaches terminal velocity, when the gravitational force pulling it down is balanced by the air resistance pushing against it.

When was Sledgehammer - ride - created?

Sledgehammer - ride - was created in 2003.

When was Sledgehammer Games created?

Sledgehammer Games was created in 2009.

How many people do sledgehammer games?

sledgehammer games have 150 employees

What is the duration of Sledgehammer ride?

The duration of Sledgehammer - ride - is 60.0 seconds.