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Q: How do you measure the temperature a sick child?
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What is constituted as a high temperature in a child?

A high temperature in a child is constituted to be above 99.5F (37.5C) on the skin of the underarm of the child. You can also measure the temperature by placing the thermometer in the child's mouth, but it is likely that the child will bite it.

What in metric unit you use tempruter for measuring sick child?

For measuring a sick child's temperature, Celsius is the metric unit commonly used in most countries. The normal range for a child's body temperature is around 36.5-37.5 degrees Celsius.

Is a 102.7 body temperature in a 12 year old child dangerous?

Not life threatening, but very sick.

Is a temperature of 94.2 dangerous for a baby who's been sick?

Yes such a child needs immediate evaluation provided the temperature has been recorded properly.

What metric unit would you use to find the temperature of a sick child?

You would use a thermometer graduated in degrees Celsius.

Which thermometer is used to measure the temperature of burning match sick?

A thermocouple thermometer is typically used to measure the temperature of a burning matchstick. This type of thermometer can withstand high temperatures and provide accurate readings in extreme heat conditions.

How high does your temperature get if your sick?

If you are feeling sick and dizzy, you will have a temperature of 37 and above.

Can a sich kitten make a child sick?

There are some diseases that a sick kitten can pass on to make a child sick.

Do sick child care provides long-term home health care for sick children for working parents?

Give medicine make soup take to doctor take temperature cuddle

Was Nikola Tesla ever sick as a child?

Nikola as a child demonstrated symptoms of early genius mind formation and he did once got sick with Cholera and almost died. As a matter of fact, when he came delirious with high temperature his head was filled with ideas on electricity and such.

Why should a mother use her lips to see her child's temperature?

Using lips to feel a child's temperature is a common method because lips are very sensitive to touch and can detect subtle changes in temperature. This can be especially useful for checking a baby's temperature quickly and without the need for a thermometer. However, it's important to note that a more accurate and reliable way to measure temperature is with a digital thermometer.

How do you tell if a child is a hypercondriac or they are really sick?

The symptoms of a hypochondriac and a child really being sick can be similar. The best way to determine if your child is really sick is to take the to the doctor.