

How do you paint Blood Ravens?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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1. Start with a mini cleaned with soap and free of flash and mold lines

2. prime with brush on or spray primer. Automotive spray primer works very well.

3. Apply GW Foundation Mechrite Red as a basecoat. Mix the paint with about 1/3 water before applying to the mini, and try to put controlled, thin coats of paint on. After about 4 or 5 coats, the armor should resemble the pot of paint closely.

4. Apply a thinned out (as above) coat of Red Gore (Gorey Red? I don't remember the color names) to the mini, leaving the areas that would be most shaded Mechrite Red.

5. Darken lines in armor with scorched brown or black.

6. Highlight:

Beginner: Apply lines of GW blood red the edges of the armor. Avoid painting on flat surfaces.

Advanced: Apply a very thinned out glaze of blood red to the areas of the armor that would be most perpendicular to your chosen lighting direction. The coats should be nearly invisible, but will build up slowly. This makes for very smooth highlights.

You can see examples on my blog or CoolMiniOrNot gallery: /

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