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Q: How do you perform the commands to center a worksheet both horizontally ansd vertically?
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What is a basic set of commands permanently built into the CPU chip to perform fundamental operations such as comparing or adding two numbers?

CPU's vary For example, a 6502 processor has instructions liks ADC (add with carry), CMP (compare), CPX (Compare A with X) and CPY (Compare A with Y)

What is the smallest lexically and syntactically correct robot program?

Robot software is the coded commands that tell a mechanical device (known as a robot) what tasks to perform and control its actions. Robot software is used to perform tasks and automate tasks to be performed. Programming robots is a non-trivial task. Most robot programs have a similar structure. It consists of 4 major parts. Declarations and Variables Subroutines and Functions Initialization The Main Loop The smallest lexically and syntactically correct robot program is called Karell ++

When solving an algebraic equation which operands do you perform first?

In algebra, you perform the operations inside parentheses first.

How do you perform set?

There is insufficient information for us to answer this question. One does not perform sets. One can perform operations with sets, and on sets. Please edit the question to include more context or relevant information.

How do you use continue and perform in a sentence?

I use continue and perform in this sentence by using them as a quotation, in the same way they were used in the question, which is also a sentence. I could have written, "continue" and "perform" just as well. As I continue to perform this exercise of answering the question, I wonder if I will. I continue to wonder if it will perform any purpose. Also, if the word "continue" appears at the bottom of a form only, then there should be one "continue" per form.

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Why is the rudder on an aircarft the last control surface to stall?

This is due to the fact that the ailerons and elevator in order to work need air flowing over them horizontally, something which cannot be done while in a stall while the rudder, can perform with air flowing over it in a forward motion. This is because the aileron and elevators sit horizontally on a plane while the rudder sits vertically. Written by Tim H.

What tells a computer how to perform a specific task?

Commands tell computers what tasks they should perform. Software installed on computers provide the commands users need to complete tasks on computers.

What commands perform the same function as shutdown -h now?


Why do cell perform functions?

Their DNA's coding gives commands to cells on what to do.

What are a full list of commands on Freenode?

To use the Freenode IRC servers, you will need to use different commands to perform different actions. The Freenode website has a full list of all of the commands used. Some examples of these commands include D, R, and Z.

Does a screen tip appear automatically based on tasks you perform and contains commands related to changing the appearance of text in a document?

a mini toolbar appears automatically based on tasks you perform and contains commands related to changing the appearance of text in a document.

Is the process of translating a task into a series of commands that a computer will use to perform the task.?

Machine Language

What three unique tricks can a harrier plane perform?

Hover, take off or land vertically, and fly sideways and backward.

What unique tricks can a harrier plane perform?

It can take off and land vertically. It can hover like a helicopter, fly sideways or backwards.

How does Microsoft Windows allow the user to perform common commands?

There is a command prompt in the accessories menu, if it has been enabled.

What is an operating system interface?

It is a set of commands or actions that an operating system can perform and a way for a program or person to activate them.

Which word screen element displays buttons to perform fequently used commands with a single click?

The tool bar