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A C-minor chord is played with C, E-flat, G. You can use the 5th, 3rd, and 1st fingers of the left hand for this.

Note the spacing between the keys played. There are two keys between C and E-flat, and three keys between E-flat and G. This same spacing is used for all minor chords. So, for example, B minor would be B, D, F-sharp. Now you can figure out any of the twelve minor chords.

You can also play the notes of the chord in other places. For example, the C and G with the left hand, and an octave higher E-flat and G with the right hand. There are many other possibilities, but they all have the same notes, and they are all considered C-minor.

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Q: How do you play a minor chord on the keyboard?
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What is a minor chord on the keyboard and how do you play one?

A minor chord is major third on top of a minor third. to make a minor chord take a major chord and move the middle note down a half step

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No. A minor chord is a chord played anywhere on the piano mainly using sharps which sounds sad or scary.

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A minor chord consists of three notes:the note that you started onthree keys upfour keys upSo C minor would be C, Eb, G

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play a major chord (which im sure you know how to do) and then flatten the mediant

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One possible answer: D, F, and A make a Dm (D minor) chord in root position.

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yes...but technically you would want to use the chord that went with the scale

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You can't play G minor or any other chord on a recorder because to play a chord, you have to be able to sound at least 3 notes at the same time - and you can only play one note at a time on a recorder. BUT, you CAN play the three notes that make up G minor one at a time which are G, B flat, and D. This effectively creates the same feel as playing a G minor chord.

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There is no B minor 7 scale. B minor 7 is only a chord. If you still want to know what play over a Bm7 chord then i suggest you play one of the following scales: B minor, B minor pentatonic, B Dorian

C minor on piano?

Play these keys: C, E flat, G to get a C minor chord.

When do you use which chord for harmonization?

Typically, the note of the scale that you are on will be the chord that you play. 1 major 2 minor 3 minor 4 major 5 dominant seventh 6 minor 7 diminished

How do you play a Magnus chord organ?

just like a keyboard or piano, but you're using chord buttons instead of actually forming chords on the keys. Play the chord buttons with your left hand and melody with your right hand.