

How do you power a fan with magnets?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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7y ago

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You can power a fan by putting magnets on all the flaps that make the air then put another magnet near it to make it move and the repel of the magnets will create movement.

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Q: How do you power a fan with magnets?
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What stops the pulling power of magnets?

I dont think you can ---- If you super-heat the magnets, it will demagnetize them, thus stopping the "pulling power" of the magnets. Basically stick the magnets in a vat of super boiling water, that should be sufficient enough heat to demagnetize the magnets.

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because it is bigger than the little magnets and has more power than the little magnets do.

How do they power a magnet train?

With magnets

How could you increase a magnets power without electricity?

By rubbing two magnets together.

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A bullet train gets it's power from extremely powerful magnets. The magnets are on the sides of the track, and train.

What is the Industrial Magnets?

Industrial strength magnets are used widely for lifting, work holders,and chucks.

How does electricity make a fan spin?

Fans are comprised of both coils and magnets. When the fan is turned on, an electric current is sent through the coil in the fan and will move around in a circle. Because electricity emits a magnetic field, the magnets in the fan will be attracted to the magnetic force emitted by the electricity moving around in the coil and the fan will start to spin.

Do hot or cold magnets have more power?

Cold. If magnets get overheated, they can cease to work all-together.

How does magnetism help us in your lifes?

magnets help us because magnets can help power your refrigerator.

What machines use magnets?

Every machine with a motor has a magnet. If you plug it in, it has a magnet. If you put in batteries or recharge it, it has a magnet. An automatic pencil sharpener uses magnets. A computer printer uses magnets. A refrigerator motor uses magnets. An electric razor uses magnets. A fan uses magnets. Hair cutters use magnets. Nose clippers use magnets. Look around your room and see what else uses a motor.

How were the first magnets used?

lodestones by h2o power bye sytilte go to first magnets use

How much power do magnets need?

3% of chemicals